Teatro novatorius Giedrius Mackevičius pasaulio kultūros istorijoje ir Lietuvoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Teatro novatorius Giedrius Mackevičius pasaulio kultūros istorijoje ir Lietuvoje
Alternative Title:
Theatre innovator Giedrius Mackevičius in the history of world and Lithuanian culture
In the Journal:
Lietuvos muziejų rinkiniai. 2019, Nr. 18, p. 84-91
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje siekiama remiantis faktologine medžiaga pristatyti režisieriaus, dramaturgo, pedagogo, aktoriaus Giedriaus Mackevičiaus (1945– 2008) kūrybą ir jo likimą paveikusį sudėtingą XX a. antros pusės istorinį laikotarpį. Kalbama apie Modrio Tenisono suburtą legendinę pantomimos trupę (1966–1972), mimų likimą paveikusį Romo Kalantos susideginimą. Apžvelgiama G. Mackevičiaus kūryba jo įkurtame Maskvos plastinės dramos teatre, atnešusi jam pasaulinį pripažinimą ir teatro novatoriaus šlovę. Pasakojama apie G. Mackevičiaus ir jo kūrybos grąžinimą į Lietuvos kultūros lauką. Raktiniai žodžiai Giedrius Mackevičius, Modris Tenisonas, pantomimos trupė, Maskvos plastinės dramos teatras. [Iš leidinio]

ENGiedrius Mackevičius (1945–2008) is one of prominent compatriots who were well known abroad. He entered into the history of world theatre as an innovator, enriching the language of theatre with performances of the genre of plastic drama. G. Mackevičius was a theatre director, choreographer, actor, playwright, and educator. According to theatre historians, his work is an avant-garde breakthrough into the future of theatre. At the same time, he is an artist of tragic fate. After he suffered from the repressions of the Soviet regime in the 8th decade of the 20th century, he was forced to withdraw from its homeland. And when Lithuania regained its independence and G. Mackevičius, already a worldfamous creator, offered his work and experience to contribute to the prosperity of his native country, there was no place for him in his homeland ... G. Mackevičiaus was born on May 18, 1945 in Grybėnai village of Ignalina district. He finished Dūkštas secondary school, then graduated from Vilnius University and acquired biochemists speciality. He was admitted as a student to the first pantomime troupe in Lithuania formed by Modri Tenison at the Youth Theatre (later transferred to Kaunas). The collective worked between 1967 and 1972; staged performances which are known in the history of Lithuanian theatre: “Ecce Homo”, “Sapnų sapnai/Dreams”, “Saugokit peteliškę!/Keep a Butterfly!”, “XX amžiaus capriccio/Capriccio of the 20th Century”, “Koliažas/ Collage”. Fatal for mimes is 14th May 1972, when Romas Kalanta burnt himself near Kaunas Musical Theatre in protest to the Soviet regime. Authorities also saw danger in the activities of the pantomime troupe, therefore, they stopped their activity. Giedrius went to Moscow. He entered the State Institute of Theatre Art (GITIS), the course of prof. Maria Knebel, who was a student of M. Chekhov and K. Stanislavski.He, still being a student, was invited to lead a pantomime study. In 1974, amateur artists created the play “Balaganėlis/Clambake” (by A. Blok); in 1975 – one of his most famous plays “Nugalėjimas/The Defeat”, about the life and works of Renaissance genius Michelangelo; in 1976 – “Choakino Murjetos žvaigždė ir mirtis/The Star and the Death of Choakin Murray”, according to a poem by P. Neruda. Also, Giedrius staged course and diploma performances at Klaipėda Drama Theatre: “Vyras ir žmona ieško buto/Husband and Wife are Looking for an Apartment”, and “Henrikas IV/Henry IV”. In 1978, the collective was granted the status of professional theatre; since then they have been the Moscow Plastic Drama Theatre. Among the more famous performances are: “Raudonas žirgas/The Red Horse” (the end of the 19th century – the beginning of the 20th century, according to modernist motifs), “Geltonas garsas/The Yellow Sound” (according to V. Kandinsky’s script, A. Schnittke’s music), “Ilga kaip šimtmečiai diena/Long as Centuries Day” (according to Ch. Aittmatov), “Sodas/Garden” (according to A. Rekašius’ music, St. Krasauskas’ engravings), etc. After 16 years, when “perestroika” began and the actors were embraced by a cult of money, G. Mackevičius left the theatre. After Lithuania regained its independence, he returned to his homeland, but nobody needed the experience of a famous artist in his homeland ... Between 1993 and 2003, G. Mackevičius’ “Oktaedr” theatre was working in Moscow; he also staged performances in other Russian theatres as well as abroad. He created more than 60 stage performances. G. Mackevičius died in Moscow on January 13, 2008, he is buried in Grybėnai cemetery. [From the publication]

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