Klaipėdos miesto fizinių asmenų finansinio raštingumo ir dalyvavimo II pakopos pensijų fonduose tarpusavio ryšio vertinimas

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Klaipėdos miesto fizinių asmenų finansinio raštingumo ir dalyvavimo II pakopos pensijų fonduose tarpusavio ryšio vertinimas
Alternative Title:
Assessment of the relationship between financial literacy and participation in second-pillar pension funds of individuals in Klaipėda
In the Journal:
Regional formation and development studies. 2023, Nr. 1 (39), p. 107-117
Summary / Abstract:

LTVienas svarbiausių trijų pakopų pensijų sistemos bruožų yra II pakopos pensijų fondų vaidmuo, leidžiantis dalyviams diversifikuoti privalomojo senatvės pensijų draudimo įmokas tarp nefinansuojamų ir kaupiamųjų sistemų. Finansinis raštingumas yra glaudžiai susijęs su kaupimu II pakopos pensijų fonduose ir gali būti vienas iš veiksnių, lemiančių pasirinkimą dalyvauti minėtuose fonduose. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti Klaipėdos miesto fizinių asmenų finansinio raštingumo ir dalyvavimo II pakopos pensijų fonduose tarpusavio ryšį. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad Klaipėdos miesto fizinių asmenų finansinis raštingumas vis dar išlieka gana žemas. Nustatyta, kad respondentai, turintys aukštąjį universitetinį išsilavinimą, yra finansiškai raštingiausi. Labiausiai finansinio raštingumo trūksta tiems respondentams, kurių išsilavinimas yra vidurinis, profesinis ar pagrindinis. Žemiausias finansinio raštingumo lygis yra tų respondentų, kurių mėnesio pajamos yra iki 872 eurų. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad finansiškai raštingi respondentai yra linkę dalyvauti II pakopos pensijų fonduose. Pagrindiniai veiksniai, lemiantys II pakopos pensijų fondų valdytojo pasirinkimą, yra investicinė grąža, investicinė rizika ir administravimo mokesčiai. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: finansinis raštingumas, pensijų fondai. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe concepts of financial literacy and second-pillar pension funds have been widely analysed in literature, but the relationship between them has been little studied. According to I. Blažiene (2020), economic research and economics in general assert that saving is important, not only from a macroeconomic point of view; it is also a significant indicator of the well-being of households themselves, which determines the possibilities for future consumption. Saving is an element of personal financial management, and in order to save profitably in the long term, financial knowledge is required. Nowadays, financial literacy is considered to be a basic skill, like reading or writing. Since participation in second-pillar pension funds is voluntary, it is important to identify at what level of financial literacy people choose this retirement savings instrument, and at what level of financial literacy people refuse it. The scientific problem: What is the relationship between the financial literacy of individuals and participation in second-pillar pension funds? The object of the research: The financial literacy of individuals in Klaipėda and participation in second-pillar pension funds. The aim of the study: To assess the relationship between the financial literacy of individuals in Klaipėda city and participation in second-pillar pension funds. Research methods: Analysis of scientific literature, systematisation, summary, quantitative research, and statistical analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The theoretical analysis performed revealed that financial literacy can be defined as a person’s ability to use the available knowledge in managing financial resources. The literature analyses the relationship between financial literacy and gender, age, education, income, and other factors.One of the most important features of the three-pillar pension system is the role of second-pillar pension funds, as it allows participants to diversify the contributions of compulsory old-age pension insurance between unfunded and accumulative systems. Financial literacy is closely related to saving in second-pillar pension funds, and may be one of the factors determining participation in the funds. The research revealed that the financial literacy of individuals in the city of Klaipėda is still very low. w. Young people under 29 and people over 41 show the biggest gaps in their financial literacy. It was found that there is a statistically significant correlation between education and the level of financial literacy: respondents with a higher education are most financially literate. The greatest lack of financial literacy was found among respondents with a secondary, vocational or basic education. There is a statistically significant correlation between income and the level of financial literacy, both weak and direct. The lowest level of financial literacy is among respondents with a monthly income of up to 872 euros, although it is interesting that a quarter of respondents with an income of up to 512 euros have a high level of financial literacy. After performing a statistical analysis of respondents’ participation in second-pillar pension funds and level of financial literacy, it was found that respondents with high financial literacy tend to participate in second-pillar pension funds. It was determined that the main factors determining the choice of manager of second-pillar pension funds are investment return and investment administration fees. Keywords: financial literacy, pension funds. [From the publication]

2029-9370; 2351-6542
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