Skulptoriaus Juozo Zikaro palikimas, saugomas Panevėžio kraštotyros muziejuje

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Skulptoriaus Juozo Zikaro palikimas, saugomas Panevėžio kraštotyros muziejuje
Alternative Title:
Legacy of the sculptor Juozas Zikaras in Panevėžys local lore museum
In the Journal:
Lietuvos muziejų rinkiniai. 2018, Nr. 17, p. 90-95
Summary / Abstract:

LTJuozas Zikaras – pirmasis profesionalus lietuvių skulptorius, itin produktyviai dirbęs menininkas realistas, sukūręs daugelį Nepriklausomos Lietuvos simbolių. Gimė 1881 m. lapkričio 18 d., augo gausioje neturtingų valstiečių šeimoje Paliukų kaime, netoli Panevėžio. Būdamas nepaprastai darbštus ir talentingas, įveikęs kliūtis ir sunkumus, „Žiburėlio“ draugijos šelpiamas, 1916 m. baigė Peterburgo dailės akademiją. 1918 m. su šeima grįžo į gimtąjį kraštą. Nuo 1919 iki 1928 m. pabaigos gyveno ir kūrė Panevėžyje, dirbo dailės mokytoju Panevėžio valstybinėje gimnazijoje bei Mokytojų seminarijoje. Sąlygų kūrybai neturėjo, todėl gimnazijos direktorius Jonas Yčas leido skulptoriui dirbti sporto salėje. Čia 1921 m. buvo sukurta „Laisvės“ statula, 1928 m. atlieta iš bronzos ir pastatyta Kaune. Šis dešimtmetis Zikarui buvo ypač kūrybingas: laimėti konkursai, gauta užsakymų, sukurti valstybingumo ženklais tapę kūriniai. [Iš straipsnio, p. 90]

ENThe sculptor Juozas Zikaras is one the first professional Lithuanian sculptors, who was especially productive artist-realist, who created a lot of symbols of Independent Lithuania. He was born and grew in Paliukai village near Panevėžys. After graduating Petersburg Art Academy, he together with his family in 1918 came back to Lithuania. Until the end of 1928, he lived and created in Panevėžys, he worked as the arts teacher in Panevėžys state gymnasium. This decade for Zikaras was especially prolific: he won prizes in the competitions, got commissions, created the works which became the signs of nationality. Panevėžys Local Lore Museum during 93 years of its activity has accumulated over 65 exhibits that introduce the personality, creative activity of Zikaras. These are 13 artworks (the sculptures from bronze, plaster, wood as well as one painting work with the dedication to Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė), the authentic table made by the sculptor, the coins of litas of interwar period, manifesting the professionalism of the sculptor, the medal of Independence of Lithuania, a lot of photographs, and postcards with the reproductions of Zikaras’ creation. These exhibits appeared in the museum in different periods of time and in different ways: several works were given by the sculptor himself, other works arrived from the homes of famous Panevėžys citizens Andrius Domaševičius, Matas Grigonis, Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė, some of the works were donated by his daughter Alytė Zikaraitė, etc.In 2017, Panevėžys Local Lore Museum purchased 19 postcards with the reproductions of the sculptor J. Zikaras’ creation. These are the postcards of several series, which were published between 1916 and 1940 in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Klaipėda, Kaunas, Vilnius. The museum stores Zikaras’ artworks, the items testifying his pedagogical work, the portrait of the sculptor, etc. The expositions of Panevėžys Local Lore Museum introduce four works by the sculptor Zikaras. One of the most valuable works is the plaster model of the monument of independence of Lithuania devoted for Panevėžys, which was created in 1925. Until now the project has not been implemented, however, the idea is still relevant. During the last 25 years, this exhibit has been attracting the visitors. [From the publication]

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