Trakų istorijos muziejuje saugomi Jono Basanavičiaus laiškai

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Trakų istorijos muziejuje saugomi Jono Basanavičiaus laiškai
Alternative Title:
Letters of Jonas Basanavičius are stored in Trakai history museum
In the Journal:
Lietuvos muziejų rinkiniai. 2018, Nr. 17, p. 8-15
Summary / Abstract:

LTPristatomi unikalūs Trakų istorijos muziejaus fonduose saugomi eksponatai – originalūs Basanavičiaus laiškai, rašyti 1892–1913 metais. Šie laiškai yra iš žymaus knygnešio, publicisto ir leidėjo Petro Mikolainio (1868–1934) archyvo. Su Mikolainiu bendravo nemažai žymių aktyviai lietuvybę puoselėjusių inteligentų. Be Basanavičiaus, Mikolainiui rašė ir Vincas Kudirka (1858– 1899), Jonas Vileišis (1872–1942), aušrininkas Jonas Šliūpas (1861–1944), būsimasis Lietuvos Prezidentas Kazys Grinius (1866–1950) ir kt. Apie Mikolainį, jo veiklą ir korespondenciją parašyta išsami studija Knygnešys, leidėjas, publicistas Petras Mikolainis (1868–1934) laiškuose ir atsiminimuose, kurioje publikuojami ir aptariamieji Trakų istorijos muziejaus fonduose saugomi Basanavičiaus rašyti laiškai. Didžioji pristatomos korespondencijos dalis skirta būtent Mikolainiui, dar trys laiškai adresuoti Juozui J. Paukščiui (1871–1914) – JAV lietuvių išeivijos veikėjui, laikraščio Vienybė Lietuvninkų leidėjui. [Iš straipsnio, p. 8]

ENThis year we commemorate the 100th anniversary since the Lithuania was proclaimed Independent. On 16th February 1918, Lithuanian Council announced the Act of Lithuania’s Independence, which was signed by 20 signatories. Every year, commemorating the 16th of February we remember those outstanding personalities, who 100 years ago were not afraid to restore free Lithuania. Although all signatories of the 16th February Act in the Lithuanians’ historical memory are notorious personalities, in the context of Independence restoration, one of them is always more emphasized – dr. Jonas Basanavičius, the patriarch of the nation, who was the chairman of the Lithuanian Council, and who was the first to sign the Independence Act. Until 16th February J. Basanavičius also made a significant contribution to Lithuanian education and culture. Therefore, commemorating the 100th anniversary of Independence of Lithuania and remembering the patriarch of the nation it is worth to analyse his early activities, which had a significant influence on the later process of state restoration. Thus slightly deviating from the chronological framework of the year 1918–1940, this article introduces the unique exhibits – original letters, which were written between 1892 and 1913 by J. Basanavičius, stored in the funds of Trakai History Museum.These letters are from the archive of a famous book smuggler, publicist and publisher Petras Mikolainis. A lot of famous personalities, who engaged in activities of fostering Lithuanian culture, communicated with P. Mikolainis. A comprehensive study Mikolainis (1868–1934) laiškuose ir atsiminimuose (Mikolainis (1868–1934) in Letters and Memories) (compiled by Danguolė Mikulėnienė, Vilnius, 2012) about P. Mikolainis, his activities and correspondence was written. The letters written by J. Basanavičius and which are stored in Trakai History Museum are published in this study as well. The bigger part of correspondence is dedicated to P. Mikolainis, and three more letters are addressed to Juozas J. Paukštis (1871–1914) – US Lithuanian emigrant figure, a publisher of the newspaper Vienybė lietuvninkų. Although these letters do not discuss the restoration of Independence of Lithuania, however, they are authentic examples of J. Basanavičius’ correspondence. They not only provide the information about the activity and scope of interests of Lithuanian patriarch, but also reveal his style of writing. [From the publication]

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