Profesionalūs fotografai ir fotografija Šiauliuose (1918-1944 m.)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Profesionalūs fotografai ir fotografija Šiauliuose (1918-1944 m.)
Alternative Title:
Professional photographers and photography in Šiauliai between 1918 and 1944
In the Journal:
Lietuvos muziejų rinkiniai. 2017, Nr. 16, p. 114-124
Summary / Abstract:

LTMaždaug nuo XX a. 2 dešimtmečio fotografija tvirtai įaugo į Šiaulių miesto ekonominį ir kultūrinį gyvenimą. Mieste palaipsniui populiarėjo nuotraukos: tapo įprasta kokia nors proga ar laisvadienį, susirinkus visiems šeimos nariams ar pavieniui, nueiti pas miesto fotografą į ateljė ir įsiamžinti. Tada fotografuotasi rimtai: ta proga būdavo persirengiama gražesniu drabužiu, rimtai nutaisoma veido išraiška, siekiant patikti tiems, kurie kada nors žiūrės į nuotrauką. Taip pamažu mieste įsitvirtino fotografavimosi tradicijos. Tarpukario Šiaulių fotografus galima suskirstyti į profesionalus (jie turėjo leidimą atidaryti fotoateljė mieste) ir mėgėjus (jie dažniausiai fotografavo savo malonumui). Tarpukario Lietuvoje profesionaliais fotografais buvo laikomi tie, kurie vertėsi fotografija – tai buvo jų amatas ir pragyvenimo šaltinis. Fotomėgėjai neturėjo specialaus leidimo verstis šiuo amatu. Be fotoateljė dirbusių profesionalų ir fotomėgėjų, buvo ir laisvo verslo fotografų, dar vadinamų keliaujančiais ar atlaiduose dirbančiais fotografais. Jie turėjo kilnojamąsias fotokameras, namuose buvo įsirengę primityvias fotolaboratorijas ir atlikdavo pavienius įvairių asmenų, įstaigų ar organizacijų užsakymus. Jie taip pat siūlydavo savo paslaugas, keliaudami iš vienos vietos į kitą, nuo vienų atlaidų iki kitų, fotografuodavo vietinius ir atvykusius žmones, įvairias šventes ir įvykius. [Iš straipsnio, p. 114]

ENInterwar Šiauliai photographers can be grouped into professionals (they had permission to open photo studios in the city and photography for them was craft and livelihood) and amateurs (they usually took photos for their own pleasure). In Šiauliai photo studios were located in prestigious places – in the centre, in the main streets of the city, near the marketplace, and in the areas suitable for commerce. Photo studio could have its branches, however, it had to have the address of central photo studio on the photo cards of photographs. The majority of photo studios in Šiauliai during the interwar period were established in pavilions, private houses. The interior of photo studio was exceptionally modest. Each Šiauliai photographer had his own style and the way of taking photos: how to arrange people, to capture in full height or half height, what property, detail, lightning, background to choose. During the interwar period, Šiauliai citizens’ portraits photographed in photo studio were composed in the background of picture with nature motifs or using different properties: furniture, books, wands, flowers, purses, decorative fence, etc. Such property was used by B. Abramavičius, M. Rubinšteinas, Ch. I. Zaksas, M. Chotimlianskis, M. Bakas, G. Rivkindas, M. Paukštis, and other Šiauliai photographers. People’s portraits, individual and group photos were usually photographed. The possibilities of image reproduction by photographing allowed to reproduce already available photo, to make its photo reproduction.Photos were retouched, sometimes were coloured. During the analysed period, colour photos were not taken in Šiauliai. Interwar photographs mostly were mat, of postcard format, cut with special scissors. The first book about photography published in Šiauliai influenced the development of photography in Šiauliai. In 1926, bookshop “Lithuania” in Šiauliai published a publication for photographers “Guideline of Quick Camera or Lessons how to Photograph Everything during 10 Minutes” prepared by Jakavičius- Lietuvanis (1871–1941). It was the first instruction written in Lithuanian for photographers how quickly to learn to take photos. During the years of Independent Lithuania, the business of photography in Šiauliai flourished. The number of professional photographers was annually increasing, and photo studios were established not only in the central part of the city but also away from the centre. During that period, over 15 professional photographers were working in the city and their number was increasing, the number of amateur photographers was especially increasing. Photographers’ work became simpler, it improved, new photographic techniques appeared. At about the third decade of the 20th century, so called electric photo studio appeared in Šiauliai, that was artificial lightning, which allowed to photograph in any weather and created much better conditions to photograph and improve the quality of photographs.Interwar Šiauliai photographers marked their photos with different markings: stamps, imprints, stickers, various notes and signs. Photographs themselves and notes on them are probably the most important way which allows to learn more comprehensively about the first steps of photography in Šiauliai in Independent Lithuania. During the early interwar period, traditional promotional, ornate marking of a photographer’s initials, address and place disappeared. It was changed by quite modest, created for informational purposes markings – imprint or seal. With seals photographs were marked by Ch. I Zaksas, M. Rubinšteinas, B. Abramavičius, S. Zaksaitė, A. Brunas, A. Petkevičius, M. Paukštis, M. Gutmanas, M. Tydmanas, G. Rivkindas, M. Bakas, M. Chotimlianskis, electric photography “Grožybė”, electric photography “Menas”, etc. A seal was usually placed on the back of photograph and it provided general information: a photographer’s surname or the name of photo studio, address, by indicating city, street, sometimes telephone number. Imprint on the reverse of photograph marked even more limited information: a photographer’s initials or the name of photo studio, sometimes address, by indicating city or appropriate place. Special stickers and other signs were produced for marking photographs. Such markings were used till the fifth decade of the 20th century. [From the publication]

Related Publications:
Fotografijos slėpiniai / Skirmantas Valiulis, Stanislovas Žvirgždas. Vilnius : Lietuvos fotomenininkų sąjunga, 2002-2006. 2 t. (259, 215 p.).
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