LTLietuvos fotografijos istorijoje Telšiai užima reikšmingą vietą. Čia dirbo puikūs savo amato žinovai. Telšių fotografijos istorija fiksuojama nuo 1860 m., kai mieste įsteigta pirmoji fotoateljė – ją atidarė vietinis laikrodininkas Chaimas Arensonas1, tačiau fotografo darbų nėra žinoma. Įdomu, kad antrasis po Vilniaus Lietuvos miestas, kuriame buvo atidaryta nuolatos veikianti fotoateljė, yra Telšiai – taigi net anksčiau nei Šiauliuose, Kaune ar Panevėžyje. Žemaičių muziejus „Alka“ per 85 veiklos metus yra sukaupęs 146 460 eksponatų. Rinkinių įvairovė padeda atskleisti krašto istoriją nuo archeologijos iki moderniojo meno. Tarp eksponatų yra ir fotografijų, kurių muziejaus rinkiniuose saugoma per 40 tūkstančių. Ryškiausias XIX a. pab. – XX a. vid. Telšių fotografas – Chaimas Kaplanskis (apie 1860–1935), fotografais išugdęs ir tris savo vaikus. Kaplanskio fotosalonas išskirtinis tuo, kad produktyviai veikė daugiau nei pusę amžiaus. Vien Kaplanskių šeimai fotosalonas priklausė 47 metus (1894–1941). [Iš straipsnio, p. 128]
ENPhotographic heritage is a very important part of culture. You can listen to the most interesting recollections, read the most beautiful stories, however, the power of image in a photo not only touches our senses but also enchants us and as a small miracle draws our attention. Photography remains an indisputable provider of aesthetics and powerful information. The creative legacy of photographers Kaplanskiai preserved in Samogitian Museum “Alka”, which reveals historical, cultural, and public life of the West Lithuania of that time, has been presented to the public for many times, and in 2017 a book-catalogue was published, however, the family history of the photographers themselves is not widely known. At the end of the 19th century – the middle of the 20th century, Chaimas Kaplanskis (c 1860 – 1935) was the most famous photographer in Telšiai. Kaplanskis’ photo studio was exceptional and popular for more than half a century, and it belonged to the family for 47 years (between 1894 and 1941). Until 2004, little was known about a photographer Kaplanskis and his family, nowhere in bibliography the portrait of Ch. Kaplanskis was recorded. In the works of the history of Lithuanian photography, about Kaplanskis is written only episodically. Some material has been collected from Telšiai inhabitants by museologists during expeditions. Thanks to a sheer luck, or, may be, thanks to great efforts, the acquaintance with his grandchild Meyeris Averbuchas (he knew his grandfather only from mother’s stories) helped to find out new and more precise facts. Mr. M. Averbuchas gave to the museum digital image of 41 photographs of the Kaplanskiai family and one original photograph, 34 out of them are taken in Telšiai by the Kaplanskiai themselves. In 1941, the rich and diverse life of Telšiai Jewish community broke, however, survived historical memory is the link which leads to renewal and community. [From the publication]