Senųjų fotografinių procesų pėdsakais

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Senųjų fotografinių procesų pėdsakais
Alternative Title:
Traces of old photographic processes
In the Journal:
Lietuvos muziejų rinkiniai. 2017, Nr. 16, p. 23-28
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

ENThe article reviews the situation of old photographic processes in Lithuania. The research is composed of four parts: Introduction, Concept of Old Photographic Processes, Photographic Processes in Lithuania, and Classification and Review of Development of Photographic Processes. The present article author’s activity and his relationship with old photographic processes, educational workshop of these processes in Lithuanian museums are briefly presented in the Introduction. In the second part, the term of old photographic process is analysed, the short review of other photographic terms describing old processes, the aspect of elaborate terminology in the Lithuanian language by defining the lack of terms describing old photographic processes are presented. The attention is drawn to the lack of unified system of terms. In the third part, the terms describing old photographic processes of the funds of books published in Lithuania and museum funds used in Lithuanian Integral Museum Information System are reviewed. The question is raised whether such small part of different photographic process prints have survived in Lithuania, and whether other processes of photographic image, that are preserved in archives and funds, have not been recognized and identified yet. The direction of possible searches, the use of visual review and microscopy to identify photographs are briefly reviewed. In the fourth part, the table of chronological development of photographic processes according to the book “Administration of Photographic Collections” is presented. In this table photographic processes used in the US are systematized. After carrying out broader research, it is possible to create similar chronological table to classify the processes used in Europe and Lithuania. [From the publication]

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Lietuvos fotografija, 1990-2010 / Agnė Narušytė. Vilnius : "Baltų lankų" leidyba, 2011. 343 p.
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