Fotografijos paveldo sklaida. Inovatyvios paslaugos muziejuose

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Fotografijos paveldo sklaida. Inovatyvios paslaugos muziejuose
Alternative Title:
Dissemination of the photographic heritage. Innovations in museums
In the Journal:
Lietuvos muziejų rinkiniai. 2017, Nr. 16, p. 17-22
Summary / Abstract:

LTDaugumai kultūros vartotojų fotografijos paveldas dėl savo vizualinio įtaigumo ir ryšio su kiekvieno žmogaus asmenine ir kolektyvine atmintimi bei įpročiu fiksuoti greitai besikeičiantį pasaulį yra patrauklus ir artimas objektas. Vis dėlto svarbią kultūrinio palikimo dalį sudarantis fotografijos paveldas, kaip ir kitos muziejinės vertybės, visuomenei nėra lengvai prieinamas. Statistika rodo, kad paprastai muziejai savo lankytojams pristato vos kelis procentus fonduose sukauptų kultūros vertybių, o ir pačios jų sklaidos formos (ekspozicijos, parodos, leidiniai) dažnai kritikuojamos dėl pernelyg didelio akademiškumo ir orientacijos į specialių interesų kultūros vartotojus (mokslininkus, tyrinėtojus). Tuo tarpu didelė kitokių interesų visuomenės dalis į kultūros vertybių pažinimą įtraukiama menkai. Nuolat besivystančios informacinės technologijos ir pažangūs skaitmeninimo procesai, skirti ne tik kultūros paveldui išsaugoti, bet ir užtikrinti jo prieinamumą, lemia naujus kokybinius kultūros vertybių, tarp jų ir fotografijos paveldo, žinomumo, prieinamumo ir aktyvaus naudojimo pokyčius. [Iš straipsnio, p. 17]

ENPhotographic heritage is particularly attractive to many culture lovers, due to its visual appeal, relation to one’s personal and collective memory and daily practice to take pictures of the rapidly changing world. Nevertheless, just like many other museum valuables, the availability of the photographic heritage, which is an important part of our cultural heritage, is not abundant. It is estimated that museums usually offer their visitors only a small part of the cultural valuables available in their storages. Moreover, the methods of their presentation and dissemination (such as exhibitions and displays) frequently receive criticism due to their exceedingly academic nature and focus on the target groups that are already interested in such exhibitions and displays because of their professional or other interests (such as scientists and researchers). This way, most of the society with different interests are not even attracted to come to know the cultural valuables. These days, the rapid technological and digital advancement oriented towards preservation and accessibility of cultural heritage results in many positive changes in terms of popularity, availability and active use of cultural valuables, including the photographic heritage.The museums employ smart technology to present their exhibits to the society in forms that are more appealing and easier to access. The interactive routes, attractive virtual exhibitions and other innovations introduced by museums encourage people to take advantage of the digitalized cultural heritage by integrating it into the nowadays common daily activities and hobbies. The users are often offered a possibility to comment on the innovations, contribute with own pictures, share their experiences on social networks and download the data free of charge, which fully matches the present-day lifestyle and communication habits and, subsequently, ensures the effectiveness of such type of heritage dissemination. As one of the most universal means to capture life as well as reflect and preserve the images of the past and the present, photography has become the cornerstone for innovations in museums. [From the publication]

2023-03-23 15:37:59
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