Dvarų kultūros sklaida Biržų krašto muziejuje "Sėla": galimybės, realybė ir problemos

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Dvarų kultūros sklaida Biržų krašto muziejuje "Sėla": galimybės, realybė ir problemos
Alternative Title:
Dissemination of manor culture in Biržai region museum ‘Sėla’: possibilities, reality and problems
In the Journal:
Lietuvos muziejų rinkiniai. 2016, Nr. 15, p. 84-89
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio tikslas: apžvelgti, kaip Biržų krašto dvarų kultūrinis palikimas pristatomas Biržų krašto muziejaus „Sėla“ ekspozicijoje ir panagrinėti priežastis, kodėl buvo pasirinktas būtent toks eksponavimo būdas. [Iš straipsnio, p. 84]

ENThe article overviews how the cultural heritage of manors in Biržai district is presented in the exposition of Biržai Region Museum “Sėla”, as well as the reasons why namely such way of exhibiting was chosen are analysed. After overviewing the museum expositions and looking for the reflections of manor culture in them, it was revealed, that the heritage of dukes Radziwills is presented the most widely. Such conclusion is not surprising, as it is known, that the museum is established in Biržai castle built by the Radziwills. Its walls and arches are the most valuable and impressive exhibits of the museum. The Tiškevičiai legacy attracts special attention in the exposition as well. Although the museum houses only a very small part of Astravas manor values left in Biržai region, the contribution of the Tiškevičiai family to the history of Biržai region is especially significant, and the counts’ heritage may be found not only at the museum but also in Biržai city. Unfortunately, we are unable to present visitors with a united exposition of manor culture of Biržai region, as we do not have valuable and enough presentable exhibits. Nevertheless, valuable and interesting exhibits that arrive from different manors always find a place in our thematic or temporary exhibitions. The history of manors and landlords of Biržai region, as well as comprehensive culture of manor are presented for society during the projects organized by different museums in Biržai Region Museum “Sėla”. [From the publication]

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Biržų grafai Tiškevičiai ir jų palikimas / Aldona Snitkuvienė. Kaunas : Nacionalinis M.K. Čiurlionio dailės muziejus, 2008. 479 p.
2023-12-01 14:48:16
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