Aristavėlės dvaras - viena eksponato istorija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Aristavėlės dvaras - viena eksponato istorija
Alternative Title:
Aristavėlė manor. The history of one exhibit
In the Journal:
Lietuvos muziejų rinkiniai. 2016, Nr. 15, p. 46-82
Summary / Abstract:

LTIstoriniame kontekste amatų santykis su architektūra nuolat kito. Amatų atsiradimas, įrankių įvaldymas sudarė prielaidas intelektualiam žmonijos augimui, davė impulsą kūrybinės minties, o kartu ir kultūros bei architektūros plėtrai. Statybos amatas prasidėjo nuo primityviais įrankiais sukonstruoto gyvenamojo būsto ir per šimtmečius išsiplėtojo iki sudėtingų struktūrų, įrengimų, įmantrių meninių formų reprezentacinės architektūros statiniuose. Per amatininkystę plito ir statybos technikos pažanga, ir estetinės raiškos naujovės. Statybos amatas – dailidystė – buvo viena intelektualiausių ir labiausiai gerbiamų profesijų. Dailidės buvo medžio technologijų, konstrukcijų ir formų virtuozai. Amatas tapatintas su menu, kadangi amatininkai kūrė ne tik utilitarius daiktus, bet ir grožį. Tik XVIII–XIX amžių sandūroje susiformavusi architektūra, pradžioje priskirta amato mokslui, išugdė naujos profesijos atstovus, architektus, prisiėmusius atsakomybę už pastato grožį. Dar vėliau, atsiskyrus kitoms intelektualioms profesijoms (inžinieriaus, konstruktoriaus, technologo, sąmatininko, istoriko, menotyrininko), meistrui dailidei teliko pats paprasčiausias rankų darbas. Dabar prie pastato restauravimo dirba gausus būrys specialistų. Tik meistro dailidės nebeliko. Kur, kada ir kaip jis pradingo, gali papasakoti senas medinis dvaro pastatas. [Iš straipsnio, p. 76]

ENThe restored Aristavėlė Manor in the Open Air Museum of Lithuania reveals the history of 300-year-old wooden construction. That is the residence, the majority of which used to be in Lithuania in the 17th – 19th centuries, in whose heritage material and spiritual culture of the middle-layer nobility, as well as the nature of crafts are reflected the best. The relationship between crafts and architecture has undergone the changes in the historical context. Through the crafts, both the advancement of construction machinery and the novelties of aesthetic expression have been developing as well. Construction craft – carpentry was one of the most intellectual and most respected professions. The craft was identified with art, as craftsmen created not only utilitarian things but also the beauty. The science of architecture, that formed only at the junction of the 18th – 19th centuries, has developed the representatives of new profession, architects who took responsibility for a building’s beauty. Later, when other intellectual professions separated, a carpenter was left with the simplest handiwork. Nowadays, a large number of specialists work during a building’s restoration, however, there are no craftsmen... During the process of restoration, a craftsman’s competence is one of the most important: if we do not preserve, restore the relationship between the first human tool and material, that used to be while creating the object, we lose the essential idea of work.Restoration has become a challenge and aim not only to restore the shapes of palace but also to understand and convey the traditions of wood mastery. Recently, there have been a lot of discussions that the essence of authenticity of wooden constructions lies in the cognition of ways, materials, constructions of local construction techniques, as well as in their repetition, renovation, and application in practice. The restoration of building is both the object of heritage and today’s work covering restoration conceptions, assessments and our abilities while carrying out these works. It is obvious that we lack knowledge, we make mistakes, and at the same time we lose wooden heritage…. The knowledge and skills, as the continuation of living tradition, of carpentry is one of the most important parts of cultural heritage. Thus it is meaningful, that it is foreseen to adapt Aristavėlė Manor to the dissemination of wooden heritage, craft trainings, scientific research and other activities related to the fostering of traditions of wooden construction. [From the publication]

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