Prašam svečė sėst už stala: apie Biržų krašto muziejaus "Sėla" edukacinę programą suaugusiesiems

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Prašam svečė sėst už stala: apie Biržų krašto muziejaus "Sėla" edukacinę programą suaugusiesiems
Alternative Title:
Dear guests, please take your seats. Concerning the educational programme for adults at the Biržai area museum "Sėla”"
In the Journal:
Lietuvos muziejų rinkiniai. 2013, Nr. 12, p. 95-100
Summary / Abstract:

LT2001 m. Valstybinis turizmo departamentas, siekdamas pasauliui pristatyti Lietuvos kulinarinio paveldo savitumą, organizavo „Alaus kelio“ maršrutą „Lietuviško alaus tėvynė – Šiaurės Lietuva“. Dalyvauti kuriant maršruto programą buvo pakviesti turizmo informacijos centrai, muziejai, aludariai. Vienoje iš Biržų krašto muziejaus „Sėla“, įsikūrusio Radvilų tvirtovės rūmuose, salių buvo sukurta naminio alaus darymo ekspozicija, jos autorė – vyriausioji fondų saugotoja Jadvyga Kriščiūnienė. Švietėjiška programa „Žaldoko alus“ Valstybinio turizmo departamento ir Panevėžio apskrities maršruto organizatoriams, turistinių firmų atstovams šioje salėje buvo pristatyta 2001 m. balandžio 26 d. (scenarijaus autorė ir vedėja muziejininkė Snieguolė Kubiliūtė). [Iš straipsnio, p. 95]

ENA lot of people associate Biržai as the region of the best beer. Such an opinion must have been spread by a popular play “Žaldokynė” written by Borisas Dauguvietis – famous playwright and director from Biržai area. His play telling about home brewing and drinking traditions has been performed in many professional and amateur theatres, staged on TV and thus has become a forceful advertisement for Biržai. In 2001, Lithuanian State Department of Tourism made a proposal to the Biržai Area Museum “Sėla” to join the route “Beer Road” and to participate in the programme “Northern Lithuania – the Homeland of Lithuanian Beer”. The exposition of home brewing is presented in one of the halls of Biržai Radvila Castle where Biržai Area Museum is housed. An educational programme for adults is presented here. The participants of the programme are seated at a white-cloth table, treated to beer, bread and cheese. They also listen to the story of old brewing traditions, the nature of ritual and social use of beer, archaic music and feast songs. Live music, various active moments and feasts involve the participants into the process of the programme.The proposal of the museum authorities to Rinkuškiai Brewery to produce beer called “Sambarių” (the name is based on historical facts) integrated commercial and cultural interests. This beer is bottled off to the specially made bottles. The compact disc “Gardus alutis padarytas” (“Tasty beer is made”), including songs, instrumental music and archaic polyphonic songs sutartinės from Biržai Region and a leaflet with lyrics have become the images of the route “Beer Road”. The popularity of the programme has been increasing as well as the attendance and the income of the Museum. 369 groups, i.e. 9666 visitors, participated in this programme in 2010. Touring groups from Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and other countries and also people celebrating various professional or personal festivals make reservations of this programme which propagates the originality of gastronomic and musical heritage. The participants have an opportunity not just to amuse themselves but also to get acquainted with 24 halls presenting rich expositions. [From the publication]

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