COVID-19 pandemijos poveikis slaugos studentų psichikos sveikatai

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
COVID-19 pandemijos poveikis slaugos studentų psichikos sveikatai
Alternative Title:
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of nursing student
In the Journal:
Įžvalgos. 2022, 1, p. 25-33
Summary / Abstract:

LTStudentai – ypatinga socialinė grupė, kuriai būdingi aktyvaus gyvenimo įpročiai, gausūs kontaktai, intensyvi fizinė ir mokslinė veikla, kelionės ir susibūrimai. Dėl akademinių iššūkių, įvairių asmeninių ir psichosocialinių stresorių ši grupė psichikos sveikatos problemų turėjo ir prieš pandemiją (14). Pandemija kardinaliai pakeitė gyvenimą: aukštosios mokyklos buvo priverstos nutraukti dienines studijas, pereita prie internetinio mokymo, paskaitos, egzaminai, baigiamieji darbai ir jų aptarimas vyko per nuotolį. Bendrosios praktikos slaugos studentų praktika ligoninėje pagal galimybes buvo tęsiama. Šio tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti koronaviruso (toliau tekste – COVID-19) protrūkio poveikį studentų psichoemocinei būsenai per pirmąją pandemijos bangą. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad karantino metu psichikos sveikatos problemos tarp studentų buvo labai paplitusios, o tai pabrėžia būtinybę stiprinti prevenciją ir didinti galimybes gauti pagalbą. Reikšminiai žodžiai: bendrosios praktikos slaugos studentai, depresiškumas, nerimas, stresas, psichoemocijos. [Iš leidinio]

ENProblem. Students are a social group, which is characterized by habits of active life, abundant contacts, intensive physical and scientific activities, trips and gatherings. Due to academic challenges, various personal and psychosocial stressors, this group had mental health problems even before the pandemic. The pandemic has radically changed life: higher education institutions were stop full-time studies, switched to online teaching, lectures, exams, final theses and their discussion took place remotely. Practice of general practice nursing students in the hospital was continued as far as possible. The research problem to find out how the psycho-emotional well-being of other students and what factors are related to the occurrence of mental health problems. Aim. To investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of nursing students. Methods. Theoretical insights, quantitative research (questionnaire survey), assessment of research data according to the DASS scale, statistical analysis and evaluation of research data. Research participants 80 general practice nursing students of the X College.Results and Conclusions. According the research participants, the mental health of nursing students was determined by psychosocial risk factors: COVID-19 negatively affected financial situation, interpersonal communication, caused social isolation, stress due to distance learning or even anxiety about health and future employment. However, the study also provided more positive insights: there were opinions that throughout the pandemic, the quality of online education and the support provided by practice managers helped to reduce the negative psychological emotions (anxiety, depression and stress) of nursing students. Moderate depression, anxiety and stress were mostly experienced. Approximately one third of respondents suffered from severe and very severe stress and depression. A third had severe and very severe anxiety. These results indicate the importance of examining the psychological state of nursing students that it does not have long-term consequences for personal well-being. Students should be kept up-to-date the mental health impact of the pandemic to help reduce stress, depression and anxiety levels Key words: general practice nursing students, depression, anxiety, stress, psychoemotions. [From the publication]

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