Nežinomas 1641 m. Lietuvos Metrikos knygų sąrašas

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Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Nežinomas 1641 m. Lietuvos Metrikos knygų sąrašas
Alternative Title:
Unknown 1641 list of books of the Lithuanian Metrica
In the Journal:
Istorijos šaltinių tyrimai. 2021, t. 7, p. 113-155
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių bibliotekoje, Vilniaus kapitulos fonde (F 43), saugomas Lietuvos Metrikos tyrėjų nepastebėtas savotiškas Lietuvos Metrikos knygų inventorius, sudarytas 1641 m. rugsėjo–spalio mėn. Jį parengė tuometis viešasis notaras kunigas Laurynas Mocarskis (Wawrzyniec Mocarski). Dėl objektyvių spragų Mocarskio sąrašas negali būti laikomas visaverčiu Lietuvos Metrikos knygų inventoriumi, bet, nesant kitos medžiagos, jis vis dėlto yra reikšmingas ir pravartus pagalbinis šaltinis siekiant suvokti viso Lietuvos Metrikos knygų komplekso raidos ir atskirų knygų istorijos subtilybes. Raktiniai žodžiai: Lietuvos Metrika, Vilniaus vyskupystė, Laurynas Mocarskis, Vilniaus katedros kapitulos archyvas, Mamertas Herburtas. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe Vilnius Chapter collections (F 43) at the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences contain a unique inventory of Lithuanian Metrica books, compiled in September– October 1641, that has hitherto escaped the attention of the Lithuanian Metrica researchers. It was compiled by the notary public at the time, Priest Laurynas Mocarskis (Wawrzyniec Mocarski), who in 1645 became the chancellor of the Vilnius Diocese, and in 1648 – the Vilnius Cathedral Chapter canon; he died in 1657. The Bishop of Vilnius himself, Abraomas Vaina (Woyna, 1569–1649), ordered Mocarski to complete this task, to register documents entered into the Lithuanian Metrica books relating to the churches, monasteries and convents, seminaries, bishops, priests, etc. in the territory of the Vilnius Diocese. Mocarski had easy access to the Lithuanian Metrica books: the chancellor at the time, Albrycht Stanisław Radziwiłł (1593–1656), was renowned for favouring the clergy, what is more, the regents at his chancery were Catholic priests – Vilnius canons. Taking into account the scale of the task, which was completed in such a short time (he thoroughly looked through and registered material from over 200 books in the space of two months), there is no doubt that Mocarski had several assistants, even though he attributed the entire task to himself in the inventory title. These people were probably lower ranked Grand Duchy of Lithuania chancery officials, who had been appointed by the new chancellor’s books regent Jan Dowgiałło Zawisza (ca 1597–1661), as they handled the books on a daily basis and were the most familiar with their specifics.The documents found in the books relating to the Vilnius Diocese are registered in the inventory as follows. First, the book would be specified, the leaf (fol.) would be given in the inside margin, the document title would be entered in the main section enclosed within a border, usually taken from file registers, while in the outer margin there would be a unique keyword (e.g., Vilnius, Kaunas, Merkinė, Vilnius Chapter, Cathedral, Franciscans, Jesuits, etc.) that would be referred to in an index at the end of the manuscript. The document annotations are written in Polish, and simply repeat the titles of the predominantly Ruthenian documents. This is likely, as a review of the already published Lithuanian Metrica books shows, comparing the document titles with those entered in the inventory. There are some omissions, i.e., not all documents relating to the Vilnius Diocese were noticed and entered, but that is understandable. Due to objective gaps, Mocarski’s list cannot be considered a fully-fledged inventory of the Lithuanian Metrica books, but, lacking other material, it is nonetheless an important and useful auxiliary source helping researchers understand the development of the whole complex of the Lithuanian Metrica books and subtleties in the history of individual books. One of the most important results of this publication is that it helped create as accurate as possible concordance between the books mentioned in the inventory and the known Lithuanian Metrica books, without which Mocarski’s work would be of little benefit and not be used at all. Keywords: Lithuanian Metrica, Vilnius Diocese, Laurynas Mocarskis, Vilnius Cathedral Chapter archive, Mamert Herburt. [From the publication]

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