Istorinės atminties išsaugojimo problema

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Istorinės atminties išsaugojimo problema
Alternative Title:
Problem of preserving historical memory
Summary / Abstract:

LTKolektyvinės atminties išsaugojimui neužtenka vien praeities suvokimo. Būtini realūs arba tikri prisiminimai, kurie siektų gilesnę praeitį. Saugant tautos atmintį svarbios ne tik žinios, bet ir simboliai, kalbos ypatybės, paveldas ir kita. Tačiau didelė dalis šio praeities paveldo yra negrįžtamai sovietmečiu sunaikinta. Lietuvai atkūrus nepriklausomybę vėl bandoma perkurti atmintį, naikinant išlikusius archyvus arba draudžiant jais naudotis, nutylima netolima praeitis - mūsų visų išgyventa ir sukaupta sovietinė patirtis. Ir ne tik nutylima, bet ir savaip užpildoma tam tikrais vaizdiniais bei mitais. Praeitis net suherojinama, pasitelkus tariamos "tyliosios rezistencijos" vaizdinį. Gerai, kad egzistuoja ne tik rankraštiniai, bet ir vizualiniai praeities archyvai, liudijantys netolimą praeitį. Taigi išlieka gyvybinga Lietuvos gyventojų atmintis. Tik ji turi pajėgti atsispirti tendencingoms ideologinėms manipuliacijoms. [Iš teksto, p. 40]

ENThe problem of preserving memory was important to the society in all times, especially it became of vital importance in the Soviet times when attempts were being made to substitute the national identity for the Soviet identity. Nowadays we experience a negative attitude: unwillingness of our society to remember the past and to use it for the welfare of the present. Another question is how we evaluate the past and relate it to the present. It would be the most problematic if the forgotten past became the object of manipulation. The researchers of this problem maintain that memories of the past are not absolutely independent, because they have to be constantly confirmed in different ways. The more so, recollections eventually change: time, environment and conjuncture have an inevitable influence on the interpretation of the past. Sociologists noticed essential differences between the personal (autobiographic) and collective (sociobiographic) memory. For preservation of the collective memory it is not enough only to perceive the past. Real or true recollections reaching the deeper past are indispensable. In preserving the national memory not only knowledge is important but also symbols, peculiarities of the language, heritage and other. However, a great part of the heritage of the past was irreversibly destroyed in the Soviet times. On the basis of the pupils' reminiscences about the famous writer, publicist and public figure Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė (1861-1943), gathered during the Soviet period (1972-1975), the presenter focuses on the value of an individual person's recollections, their change under the influence of environment and conjuncture and their significance in preserving the nation's memory. [From the publication]

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Postkomunistinės visuomenės atmintis ir amnezija / Almantas Samalavičius. Europos kultūros profiliai: atmintis, tapatumas, religija / sudarytojas Almantas Samalavičius. Vilnius: Kultūros barai, 2007. P. 51-68.
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