Septintasis pėstininkų žemaičių kunigaikščio Butegeidžio pulkas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Septintasis pėstininkų žemaičių kunigaikščio Butegeidžio pulkas
Alternative Title:
Semogitian duke Butigeidis 7th infantry regiment
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija, 2021.
326 p
Lietuvos kariuomenės istorija
Bibliografija ir asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Įvadas — Kauno bataliono formavimas — 1. Bermontininkų fronte — Septintasis pėstininkų pulkas — 2. Lenkų fronte — Pulkas atsiimant Vilnių — 3. Gardino operacija — Pirmojo bataliono veiksmai Gardino operacijos metu — Antrojo bataliono veiksmai Gardino operacijos metu — Trečiojo bataliono žygis užfrontėje — 4. Pulko kovos su želigovskininkais — Kovose ties Širvintomis ir Giedraičiais — 5. Saugant neutraliąją zoną — 6. Dalyvavimas Klaipėdos "sukilime" — 7. Taikos metai Klaipėdoje — Tauragės sukilimo numalšinimas — Sąlygiškos ramybės metai Klaipėdoje — 8. Klaipėdą perdavus Šeštajam pėstininkų Pilėnų kunigaikščio Margio pulkui — 9. Prasidėjus Antrajam Pasauliniam karui — Pulko žygis į Vilnių — Grįžus į nuolatinės dislokacijos vietą — Kovos sporto aikštelėse — 10. Sovietinės okupacijos sąlygomis — Pulko likvidavimas — Išvados.
Summary / Abstract:

LT[...] Septintasis pėstininkų pulkas susikūrė ne iš karto. Jo pradžia laikytina 1919 m. liepos 1 d., kai nuo Kauno miesto ir apskrities komendantūros buvo atskirta karių grupė ir pavadinta Kauno batalionu, o jo vadu paskirtas karininkas Vincas Petrauskas. Istoriografija apie Septintąjį pėstininkų Žemaičių kunigaikščio Butegeidžio pulką nėra gausi. Pavienių šio pulko istorijos fragmentų yra ne vieno Lietuvos istoriko darbuose, tačiau išsami dalinio istorija nebuvo parašyta. Pulko, kaip ir kitų Lietuvos kariuomenės dalinių, veiksmai bendrame Lietuvos kariuomenės kovų kontekste nagrinėjami dr. Vytauto Lesčiaus knygoje "Lietuvos kariuomenė Nepriklausomybės kovose 1918–1920" ir Kazio Ališausko knygoje "Kovos dėl Lietuvos nepriklausomybės. 1918–1920". Nors abi jos parašytos ta pačia tema, tačiau yra skirtingos ir viena kitą papildo. Kazys Ališauskas, Nepriklausomybės kovų dalyvis, knygą parašė emigracijoje, todėl galėjo remtis tik savo ir kovos draugų atsiminimais, tarpukariu Lietuvoje spausdinta medžiaga, bet jam nebuvo prieinami sovietų okupuotoje Lietuvoje likę archyviniai šaltiniai. Vytautas Lesčius, rašydamas savo knygą, nuodugniai išnagrinėjo esamus gana gausius archyvinius šaltinius, kurie tapo jo knygos pagrindu. Tačiau abu autoriai labiau susitelkė į Lietuvos kariuomenės veiksmus, o jos karinių dalių kovų epizodams skyrė tik tiek dėmesio, kiek buvo būtina bendrajai koncepcijai paremti. Taip turint bendrą vaizdą ir remiantis konkrečiais teiginiais apie Septintojo pėstininkų pulko veiksmus, buvo aprašytos ir šio dalinio kovos dėl Lietuvos nepriklausomybės [...]. [Iš Įvado]

ENLike most regiments of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, except for the 1st and 2nd Infantry Regiments, the 7th Infantry Regiment was not initially formed as a regiment. Some servicemen coming from Kaunas and its surrounding areas formed the basis of Kaunas Battalion where they were officially incorporated on 1 July 1919. As the battalion was based in Kaunas, it not only focused on training officers but also appointed nearly half of all servicemen for different guards in Kaunas Garrison. Although the military authorities sought for ways to equip as well as possible the military units fighting with the Red Army at the front, clothing, weapon and food supply for Kaunas Battalion was very poor. It even led to the first case of disobedience in the Lithuanian Armed Forces when the servicemen refused to eat a very poor lunch in the middle of August 1919. It was the first serious signal to the Lithuanian military authorities to pay much more attention to the needs of the servicemen. The first combat Kaunas Battalion got engaged in occurred at the beginning of October 1919 when the front was formed against the Bermontians in Baisogala district. For some time, it was the only military unit in the area that had to face the first attacks of the Bermontians leading to serious clashes. Nevertheless, the fights strengthened and increased it. On 1 December 1919, the battalion was reorganized to the 7th Infantry Regiment that later was given the name of Semogitian Duke Butigeidis.When the Bermontians were expelled from Lithuania, the regiment guarded the Lithuanian-German border for a short period of time. In the middle of January 1920, it was transferred to the front against Poles in Ukmergė. At this front bar, the formation of the regiment was completed and although small clashes with Poles were frequent, the regiment was in a period of relative rest up to July and could concentrate on training and preparation for future fights. By the order to follow the Poles who were retreating from the Red Army, the regiment started a march to Vilnius on 10 July 1920. The movement was complex as the troops occupied positions and changed them afterwards. Finally, on 15 July 1920, the 7th Company was the first to enter Vilnius in the absence of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, whereas the rest of the regiment marched in the capital of Lithuania on 26 August 1920. On 22 September 1920, the regiment left for the front against Poles and took part in the so-called Grodno operation that had disastrous consequences for the regiment. In this operation, each battalion operated independently. Some of the servicemen of the 1st Battalion were taken prisoners, others tried to escape Poles’ envelopment through woods, while the other part of the battalion surrendered to the Red Army and were disarmed in Lida. The 2nd Battalion suffered greatly from the fights as well, as it lost the majority of its servicemen, whereas the 3rd Battalion led by Captain Vincas Vitkauskas made a legendary march through the territories occupied by the Red Army to avoid Polish captivity. By walking 44 kilometers a day, the battalion covered 310 kilometers in 7 days and thus 10 officers and 750 servicemen reached the territories controlled by the Lithuanian Armed Forces and escaped Polish captivity.It was the only case in the Lithuanian Armed Forces when their part was separated for such a long period of time. Nevertheless, no loss incurred as they took along the Lithuanian servicemen of other units interned by the Red Army and returned with all owned assets. As Dr. Vytautas Lesčius said of this nearly catastrophic operation to the 7th Infantry Regiment, it is surprising that the Lithuanian military authorities aimed to occupy Grodno having no chance to succeed for they had too small a military force at their disposal. Furthermore, having faced a catastrophe in Seinai and knowing the aspirations of Poles, it was unrealistic to expect of them not to pursue to occupy such an important stronghold as Grodno. Dr. Lesčius stressed that the fact that the regiment had to occupy Grodno on the night of 22 to 23 September 1920 when Poles defeated all Lithuanian troops in Suvalkija was causing surprise as well. Consequently, the fights of the regiment near Pa riečė and incurred casualties were senseless948. Nevertheless, it was a triumphal march demonstrating the heroism and military honour of the servicemen. During the fights with the Polish troops led by Major General Lucjan Zeli gowski from 15 October 1920 to the successful end of Širvintos operation, the regiment not only obeyed the orders of military authorities but also took a smarter and more active role often taking the initiative into its hands and thus winning several important battles. It applies both to the entire regiment and the individual commanding officers. The operation itself is an example of a deep turning movement in the enemy’s rear as well as surprise, shock, mystery and courage to hit its most important targets: command posts, signal centers and weapon emplacement. [From the publication]

9786098277180; 9786098277173
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