LTInformacija ir žinios - tai vis dažniau XXI informacijos amžiuje vartojamos sąvokos. Monografijoje nagrinėjama efektyvaus kompanijų valdymo problematika informacijos amžiuje, kuriame konkurencingumą daugiausia lemia žiniomis pagrįsta ekonomika. Informacijos reikšmę ir svarbą būtina suvokti ir tinkamai įvertinti kalbant apie šiuolaikišką vadybos mokslą bei efektyvią praktinę vadybinę veiklą. Ši monografija sudaro prielaidas naujai įvertinti kompanijų valdymą, konceptualiai suvokti strateginių informacinių technologijų ir sistemų reikšmę, jų raidos problemas, suformuoti platesnį ir gilesnį požiūrį į kompanijų konkurencingumo problemas. [Anotacija knygoje]
ENThis chapter addresses the issues related to organisational management in the age of information. It investigates the effect of new information technologies upon the organisations that results from interlacing tendencies of world market globalisation and expansion of information technologies. Application of information technologies changes the business processes of organisation and the management thereof. But how do they affect the organisations? In order to answer this question, systematic and complex analysis of theories of economy and management, social and psychological aspects needs to be performed. For instance, from the point of view of economics, information technologies and telecommunications (ITT) may be examined as a production factor, which may be easily replaced by capital and human resources. This way the price of information could be replaced by the price of labour, which was calculated traditionally. ITT may reduce the management costs. Growing companies are becoming more complex and traditionally their costs related to human resources increase. By reducing costs of information collection and processing, information technologies provide grounds to reduce the employment costs, since it becomes easier for the managers to control an increased number of employees. ITT allows even smaller companies to increase their abilities and carry out orders or manage reserves with a very small number of officers and managers. Use of the network for purchases in the market may reduce costs related, for instance, to communication with suppliers. ITT implementation also has a psychological effect. Complex corporate relations exist in large organisations and IS has impact upon them. The effects of these changes upon modern organisations have not been fully investigated.Rapid expansion of information technologies over the last decade enabled de velopment of global society idea. The present day ITT quickly and fairly aggres sively intrude into human lives not only in work environment, state and the world, but also into the daily life of the family. Implementation thereof ensures conditions and possibilities of free and global information exchange and expansion of informa tion infrastructure at international level. The process achieves important economic, political, communal and social significance and it more widely determines transi tion from industrial into information society. Organisations striving to survive the competitive fight have to employ progressive and strategic ITT. Administrative man agement methods are not sufficient - other progressive management mechanisms have to be employed, encouraging the employees to implement and use innovations in their daily activities. Five concepts of information society presented from different perspectives show that it is difficult to unambiguously describe and define the information society and the position of separate individual within it. Other definitions of this concept are possible and it only confirms the complexity of the process.In the state life, the information technologies encourage implementation of common "electronic democ racy", creation of civic society with fast feedback, ensurance of transparency of ac tions of authorities, improvement of public administration and tax collection, in creased precision of planning and calculation of budget revenue and expenditure. Although information society might be understood and analysed based on different criteria, its expansion requires certain material basis - computers, state information infrastructure. Lithuania is still lagging behind developed countries, however, the tendencies of expansion of its ITT market and level of computerisation show a rapid improvement of the situation. The aspect of creation of information society in Lithuania is also important, since it would provide a possibility to faster join the realisation of international projects. Significant attention is paid to the role of schools and other education institutions in the creation of information society. When wider sets of country‘s society are involved in the creation of information society it will become possible to better retain the national identity, provide objective information on Lithuania‘s cultural, linguistic and ethnic features and to highlight our potential and advantages. Delayed or late and uncoordinated action will force duplication of systems and projects created in other countries. Being late means reduction of work places, possible funding and authority of the state [...]. [From the publication]