Smolensko žemės bažnytinių pareigūnų karjeros ypatybės 1395-1514 m.

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Smolensko žemės bažnytinių pareigūnų karjeros ypatybės 1395-1514 m
Alternative Title:
Aspects of the careers of the ecclesiastical officials of the Land of Smolensk between 1395 and 1514
In the Journal:
Lietuvos istorijos metraštis [Yearbook of Lithuanian History]. 2022, 2022/2, p. 5-20
Summary / Abstract:

LTSmolensko žemės prijungimas prie Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės 1395 m. labai paveikė Stačiatikių bažnyčios pareigūnų Smolensko žemėje padėtį. Šiame straipsnyje tiriama, kaip klostėsi Smolensko žemės bažnytinių pareigūnų karjera laikotarpiu, kai šis regionas priklausė Lietuvos Didžiajai Kunigaikštystei (1395–1514 m.). Dėmesys telkiamas į bažnytinių pareigūnų kilmę, giminystės ryšius, pareigas, sąsajas su Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės centrine valdžia ir Smolensko žemės gyventojais. Straipsnio pabaigoje esančiame priede pateikti susisteminti duomenys apie Smolensko žemės bažnytinius pareigūnus. Raktiniai žodžiai: Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė, Smolensko žemė, Stačiatikių bažnyčia, bažnytiniai pareigūnai, karjera. [Iš leidinio]

ENWhen the Land of Smolensk was annexed by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1395, the situation of the ecclesiastical officials of the Orthodox Church in this region changed significantly. The article investigates the development of the careers of the ecclesiastical officials of the Land of Smolensk during the period when this region belonged to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1395–1514). When conducting the research, we found the mentions of twenty ecclesiastical officials of the Orthodox Church who had served in the Land of Smolensk during the period of 1395–1514. Most of them (eleven) were bishops of Smolensk. The rest of the ecclesiastical officials were archimandrites and ihumens of monasteries and priests of churches. The data about archimandrites, ihumens, and priests are poor, we know very little about them. Much more data survived about bishops of Smolensk, the most important ecclesiastical officials of the Orthodox Church in the Land of Smolensk. Not much is known about the origin of all twenty ecclesiastical officials, but one can make an assumption that between 1395 and 1514, the majority of the bishops of Smolensk had come from other areas, while most of the archimandrites, ihumens, and priests could have been local inhabitants. However, different origin did not create a problem for the bishops of Smolensk in forging connections with the inhabitants of the Land of Smolensk. When the Grand Duchy of Lithuania occupied the region, the grand dukes of Lithuania started to interfere in its ecclesiastical affairs. The rulers were concerned with soliciting the support of the bishops of Smolensk for their politics. Some of the bishops participated in the plans to conclude an ecclesiastical union between the Orthodox believers and Catholics, which had been an interest of the grand dukes of Lithuania.The fact that as many as four bishops of Smolensk succeeded in becoming the metropolitans of Kiev, the most important ecclesiastical officials in the Kyiv metropolitan area, points to the importance of the bishops of Smolensk in the Kyiv metropolitan area and their connections with the central government of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during the period of 1395–1514. Keywords: Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Land of Smolensk, Orthodox Church, ecclesiastical officials, career. [From the publication]

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