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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Stelmužės / Steinensee dvaro kultūrinio paveldo atodangos: dvaro knygos ir jų ženklai
Alternative Title:
Outcrops of the cultural heritage of Stelmužė / Steinensee manor: the books and bookmarks of the manor
In the Journal:
Lietuvos istorijos metraštis [Yearbook of Lithuanian History]. 2022, 2022/1, p. 131-152
Summary / Abstract:

LTRemiantis nauju faktu apie 1937 m. Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto bibliotekai dovanotas knygas iš Stelmužės dvaro, atliktas tyrimas, verifikuojant faktinę informaciją, kiek ir kokios knygos dovanotos, aiškinantis knygų išlikimo iki mūsų dienų situaciją, nustatant dabartines jų saugojimo vietas, analizuojant knygų proveniencinių ženklų informaciją, kalbančią apie Stelmužės (Steinensee / Stelles muiža) savininkus von Foelckersahmbus ir dvaro likimą, pasikeitusį nustačius Lietuvos–Latvijos valstybių sienas 1921 m. bei po žemės reformos. Priede skelbiamas dovanotų knygų sąrašas, kuriuo siekiama atskleisti vieną iš daugialypio multikultūrinio Stelmužės dvaro (-ų) paveldo fragmentų. Raktiniai žodžiai: Marijona Čilvinaitė, Lietuvos universiteto bibliotekos inventorinė knyga, Steinensee / Stelles muiža / Stelmužės dvaras, Foelckersahmbų giminės Štainenzės (Steinensee) namai, dvaro knygos (leistos 1808–1930 m.), knygų ženklai (ekslibrisas, herbinis kongrevas, autografas), Vadimas Foelckersahmbas, Herbertas Hahnas. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe discovery of the historical fact that the books of Stelmužė Manor were gifted to the Vytautas Magnus University Library inspired the search for and discovery of these books. This prompted a new investigation. It was found that 119 books received from Gerhardt Hahn were listed on 26–27 October 1937 in the inventory book of the Kaunas University of Technology Library. Searches and provenance studies revealed that 56 books out of 119 are now extant, and their current location was identified. Most of the surviving books are kept in the Vilnius University Library (29), the Kaunas University of Technology Library (13), the Kaunas County Public Library (13), and one book in the library of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. The provenances of the books reveal important information about their owners, the ‘journeys’ of the books, and offer new insights into the history, cultural heritage, and the fate of Stelmužė Manor. We believe that the gifted books formerly belonged to the Stelmužė (Steinensee) house, which throughout the nineteenth century and until 1924 were owned by the family of Karl Valerian and Alexandra Foelckersahmb. Their youngest son Vadim, who died childless in the Stelmužė house in January 1924, was the last owner from the Foelckersahmb family. Most of the books (33) have double Steinensee bookplates by the well-known bookplate designer and art historian Armin Foelckersahmb. The books of Stelmužė Manor contained another special bookmark of the Foelckersahmbs: a relief congreve imprint of the coat of arms (nos 50, 113). Some books had additional provenance inscriptions or autographs: L[illy]. v[on]. Foelckersahmb (nos 17, 27, 40, 50, 113) and Helma v[on]. Foelckersahm (no. 6). All of the bookmarks discussed here testify to a library that was collected, preserved and nurtured by the owners and to the book culture at Stelmužė Manor.This article presents a full list of the gifted books. Here we can see the variety of themes, languages and years of publication. Although the majority of the books come from the nineteenth century, a fair part of them (49) were published in the twentieth century. The earliest publication is dated 1808 (no. 69) and the latest books were published in 1930 (nos 19–21). Most of the nineteenth-century books were published in the second half of the century. The books from the first half of the nineteenth century were published in the following years: 1808 (no. 69), 1821 (no. 95), 1835 (nos 96, 114), 1837 (no. 107), 1841 (nos 24, 104), 1842 (no. 46), 1844 (nos 60, 109), and 1846 (no. 30). Unfortunately, of these eleven earliest books, only two books from 1844 are extant (nos 60, 109). The list includes books in different languages. Books in German, both original and translated, dominate the list (85 out of 119). There were 34 books in languages other than German, of which 20 were in French, eight in Russian, four in English, one in Italian, and one in Latin. The earliest year of publication of the surviving books is 1844 and the latest is 1930. The list is based on the entries in the inventory book of the Library of the University of Lithuania, in the order in which they appear. The colophon of each book, a note on bookmarks, and, if known, the current storage location and the code of the book are included. Keywords: Marijona Čilvinaitė, inventory book of the Library of the University of Lithuania, Steinensee / Stelles muiža / Stelmužė manor, Steinensee house of the Foelckersahmb family, books of Stelmužė manor (published between 1808 and 1930), bookmarks (Steinensee ex libris, heraldic congreve, autograph), Vadim Foelckersahmb, Herbert Hahn. [From the publication]

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