"Žmogaus" vaizdinys lietuvių tarmių leksikografiniuose šaltiniuose: etnolingvistinis ir semantinis aspektas

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Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
"Žmogaus" vaizdinys lietuvių tarmių leksikografiniuose šaltiniuose: etnolingvistinis ir semantinis aspektas
Alternative Title:
Image of "žmogus" in the lexicograpgical sources of Lithuanian dialects: ethnolinguistic and semantic aspects
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvių kalbos institutas, 2021.
Elektroninis (PDF), 113 p
Pratarmė — 1. Įvadas: 1.1. Etnolingvistika ir semantika; 1.2. Kalbinis pasaulio vaizdas tarminiame diskurse; 1.3. Kalbinis pasaulio vaizdas ir leksikografija; 1.4. Tarminiai žodynai kaip kultūros tekstai; 1.5. Tyrimo objektas, tikslas, uždaviniai, metodologija; 1.6. Pagrindinės sąvokos — 2. Etnolingvistinė informacija apie "žmogų" lietuvių tarmių žodynuose: 2.1. "Žmogus" kaip antraštinis žodis leksikografiniuose straipsniuose; 2.2. Etimologiniai duomenys apie "žmogų"; 2.3. "Žmogaus" definicijos lietuvių tarminiuose žodynuose; 2.4. "Žmogus" kitų žodžių straipsniuose ir iliustraciniuose sakiniuose — 3. "Žmogaus" paradigminiai ryšiai: 3.1. Hiperonimai / hiponimai; 3.2. Sinonimai; 3.3. Antonimai; 3.4. Derivatai ir kompozitai — 4. "Žmogaus" sintagminiai ryšiai: 4.1. Frazeologizmai; 4.2. Žmogaus vertybinės nuostatos paremijose: 4.2.1. Žmogus kaip asmuo, individas; 4.2.2. Žmogus kaip bendruomenės narys — Sintetinė duomenų analizė — Išvados — Vietovardžių santrumpos — Kitos santrumpos — Šaltiniai — Literatūra — Summary.
Summary / Abstract:

LTMokslo studijoje, remiantis tarminių žodynų duomenimis, analizuojamas "žmogaus" vaizdinys, leidžiantis rekonstruoti bendrą XX a. antrosios pusės – XXI a. pradžios žmogaus mentalitetą, pasaulio suvokimo būdus, slypinčius semantiniuose ir stilistiniuose kalbos aspektuose, stereotipuose ir kultūros apraiškose, bandoma atskleisti, kaip, analizuojant tarminių žodynų duomenis, galima rekonstruoti žmogaus kalbinį pasaulio vaizdą. Viena iš priežasčių, paskatinusių imtis šio darbo, – pastebimas lingvistikos susidomėjimas žmogumi, nes, norint suvokti, kas yra žmogus, svarbu išsiaiškinti, ko siekia žmogus per kalbą. Studija parengta remiantis Liublino etnolingvistinės mokyklos, vadovaujamos profesoriaus Jerzio Barmińskio, metodologija. Atsižvelgiant į šios mokyklos atstovų teikiamas prielaidas, kalboje įtvirtinti teiginiai apie tam tikrą objektą turi būti atrenkami iš skirtingų kalbos šaltinių, t. y. tyrimams pasitelkiama skirtinga kalbinė medžiaga. Todėl atliekant kalbos pasaulėvaizdžio tyrimus turi būti naudojami trijų tipų duomenys: sisteminiai, anketiniai ir tekstiniai (S-A-T). Kadangi studijoje vienu kartu neįmanoma išsamiai apžvelgti visų trijų tipų duomenų, susijusių su žodžiu "žmogus", apsiribota vieno tipo duomenimis, o siaurinant paieškas dar labiau – tarminės leksikografijos teikiamais sisteminiais duomenimis. Todėl šiame tyrime specialiai pasirinktas ne "koncepto", o "vaizdinio" terminas, nes analizei atrinkti tik sisteminiai, lietuvių tarminių žodynų, duomenys. [...]. [Iš Pratarmės]

ENBased on the examples given in dialect dictionaries, the study analyzes the image of a human being, which allows reconstructing the general mentality of man of the second half of the 20th century, their ways of perceiving the world that lie in the semantic and stylistic aspects of language, stereotypes and cultural manifestations. An attempt is made to reveal how, by analyzing the data of dialect dictionaries, it is possible to reconstruct the linguistic picture of the world of a human being, which is somewhat fossilized and highly dependent on the nature of the dictionary used and the principles of its format. One of the reasons for undertaking this research was the noticeable interest of linguists in the a human being because to understand what man is, it is important to find out what they try to achieve through language. The starting point of the research is the lexeme žmogus (a human being, a person, man) and analysis of its semantic structure taking into account the linguistic-cultural context. The ways of categorizing the world that are ingrained in dialectal discourse (i.e. in its various forms – dictionaries, dialectal examples/texts) are considered to be that context. The study is based on the methodology of the Lublin Ethnolinguistic School, headed by Prof. Jerzy Barminski, and Russian ethnolinguists. Based on the assumptions of the researchers of the ethnolinguistic school in Lublin, statements about a certain object established in language must be selected from different language sources, i. y. various linguistic material is employed for research. Therefore, three types of data need to be used in language worldview studies: systematic, provided by questionnaires, and textual.As it is not possible to provide a comprehensive overview of all the three types connected with the word žmogus in the same study, it is limited to one type of data and, to narrow the search even further, to the systematic data provided by dialect lexicography. Therefore, in this study, the term "image" was chosen instead of the word "concept" since only systematic data – Lithuanian dialect dictionaries – were selected for analysis. In Lithuanian ethnolinguistics until now, the data of the dialect dictionaries have not been used for research in such detail, but recently ethnolinguists have become increasingly more interested in them and the significance of dialect dictionaries as cultural texts has been growing. A dialect dictionary can be the object matter of language and cultural research on a certain period, a witness to the cultural needs of a linguistic community, a reflection of the life of society and the system of its values. The dialect material, first and foremost, reveals the world perception and language worldview of an ordinary human being as dictionaries make it possible to observe the genesis of the concept, to follow word usage at different stages of the development of society, to see changes in the meaning and the connections with various historical events that are reflected in human conscience. The study consists of four chapters. The introductory chapter considers the place of ethnolinguistics among other sciences of linguistics, as well as the relationship between ethnolinguistics and lexical semantics. This chapter specifies the research object and goal, discusses the methodology, formulates the research objectives, presents the sources of empirical data and the main concepts among which is one of the principal concepts of ethnolinguistics – a linguistic image of the world.To reveal it, data from lexicographic sources are also significant, especially emphasizing the importance of the dialect dictionaries for the authenticity of texts and the possibility of reconstructing the value system of communities and their members. Lithuanian lexicographic sources are very important for the reconstruction of the worldview as most of them perfectly show Lithuanian culture. Their purpose was primarily perceived by their editors: to document, preserve and publicize the essential manifestations of that culture. A large number of dialect and folklore examples and meanings in the dialect dictionaries prompted us to use these dictionaries. Analyzing the word žmogus in the Lithuanian dialect dictionaries, the aim is to single out those values that are important for the people who speak various dialects and to determine whether they are different or similar. The research into the image of žmogus in Lithuanian dialects is only a small part of the whole picture of research into the values of the Lithuanian language and culture. The work based on the methodology of the image of the linguistic world developed by the Polish and Russian ethnolinguistic schools aims to find out what image of ŽMOGUS is formed in Lithuanian dialects, the data of which are recorded in lexicographic sources. The principles of conceptualization of žmogus in dialectal discourse were formulated based on the analysis of data obtained from the dialectal dictionaries. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set: to find out what ethnolinguistic information about man can be found in dialect dictionaries (comprehensive and differential), and to summarize that information analyzing the lexicographic material of Lithuanian dialects; to review the presentation of žmogus as the title word in the articles of the Lithuanian dialect dictionaries [...]. [From the publication]

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