"Tarmynas" – Lietuvos vietinių kalbos variantų duomenų bazės modelis : ko ieškoti, ką galima rasti ir kaip lengva juo naudotis

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Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
"Tarmynas" – Lietuvos vietinių kalbos variantų duomenų bazės modelis : ko ieškoti, ką galima rasti ir kaip lengva juo naudotis
Alternative Title:
"Tarmynas" – the model of Lithuanian local language variants database : collecting, searching and applying geolinguistic data
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvių kalbos institutas, 2022.
119 p
Pratarmė — Įvadas — Iš "Tarmyno" istorijos — Teorinis "Tarmyno" pagrindas – multimodalusis tarmių tyrimo modelis — "Tarmyno" stebėsenos punktai — Empirinė "Tarmyno" medžiaga: Apklausų medžiaga; Rankraštinė medžiaga; Kartografinė medžiaga; Garso įrašai ir jų fragmentų transkripcijos; Vaizdo medžiaga; Išvestiniai ir papildomi duomenys — Medžiagos rinkimo būdai išmaniaisiais įrenginiais — "Tarmyno" duomenų rinkiniai — "Tarmyną" papildantys informaciniai duomenys — Fragmentinė "Tarmyno" duomenų geoerdvinė analizė — Viešinimas "Geolingvistikos portale" — Apibendrinimas — Literatūra ir šaltiniai — Summary.
Summary / Abstract:

LTPastaraisiais metais GIS priemones sistemingai pradėjo taikyti ir Lietuvos geolingvistai, pradėję kurti "Lietuvos vietinių kalbos variantų duomenyno", arba "Tarmyno", kaip ArcGIS geoduomenų bazės daugiavartotojiškoje reliacinių duomenų bazių valdymo sistemoje, modelį. Šios mokslo studijos objektas ir yra šis "Tarmynas". Studijos tikslas – kaip galima plačiau supažindinti su kuriamu "Tarmynu" ir jo galimybėmis. "Tarmynas" prieinamas Lietuvių kalbos instituto Geolingvistikos centro administruojamame "Geolingvistikos portale". Studijos uždaviniai : 1) trumpai supažindinti su Lietuvių kalbos instituto Geolingvistikos centro Tarmių archyvu, kurio medžiagos pagrindu kuriamas "Tarmynas"; 2) atsižvelgiant į teorinį "Tarmyno" pagrindą, aptarti "Tarmyno" modelio struktūrą; 3) pristatyti "Tarmyno" teikiamas duomenų rinkimo, analizės ir viešinimo galimybes kalbos variantiškumo tyrimuose. Studija iliustruojama tiriamąja heterogeniška "Tarmyno" medžiaga : tai skirtingais chronologiniais laikotarpiais surinkti kalbiniai duomenys (garso įrašai, tarptautine fonetine abėcėle užrašyti tekstai, pirminė ir neredaguota "Lietuvių kalbos atlaso" medžiaga, kalbininkų rankraščiai ir kt.), kalbinę aplinką leidžiantys įvertinti duomenys (skelbimų, iškabų, kapinių nuotraukos, gyvenamųjų vietovių infrastruktūros duomenys, sociokultūriniai bendruomenės narių tinklai ir kt.) ir vietinių kalbos variantų vartotojų kalbinę savivertę apibūdinanti medžiaga (sociolingvistinės ir perceptyviosios dialektologijos anketos), t. y. visi į multimodaliosios (daugiafunkcės) dialektologijos modelį patenkantys elementai, plačiau aprašyti įvairiuose šios studijos skyriuose. [Iš Pratarmės]

ENThe changes affecting many traditional dialects across the world today mean that the ways to analyse these variants are altering too. Repositories of heterogenous linguistic material are being developed with the help of AI technologies, the accumulated Big Data is handled and analysed through the application of quantitative and qualitative methods, while the mapping and visualization of results are performed using the most advanced solutions. Application of geographic information systems (GIS), which first emerged in the mid-20th century, has increased over the last few decades, enabling easier management of spatial and descriptive information – its collection, archiving, visualization, editing, integration and analysis. A rapid development of GIS technologies (new infrastructure for storing and sharing spatial data, improved location identification, data collection, dissemination and analysis), opened up new opportunities for their use not only in geography but in many other scientific fields, dialectology being one of them. Various GIS tools are also being systematically applied by geolinguists in Lithuania, who are currently developing the "Database of Lithuanian Local Language Variants", or "Tarmynas", as a model of ArcGIS geodatabase in a multiuser relational database management system. The new database "Tarmynas" is the object of this study. The aim of this study is to provide a more detailed overview of "Tarmynas" and its capabilities. In order to achieve this goal, the following tasks have been set: 1) to briefly discuss the basis for "Tarmynas" (the Archive of the Dialects at the Centre of Geolinguistics, Institute of the Lithuanian Language); 2) to overview the structure of "Tarmynas" in relation to its theoretical basis; and 3) to present the capabilities of "Tarmynas" in the research of linguistic variation (data collection, analysis and publishing).The study is illustrated with the heterogenous research material of "Tarmynas". It consists of linguistic data collated throughout several chronological periods (audio recordings, texts transcribed in the International Phonetic Alphabet, primary and unedited material for the "Atlas of the Lithuanian Language", manuscripts of various linguists, etc.), data on linguistic environments (adverts, signage, gravestone photos, information on infrastructure, sociocultural networks of communities, etc.), and data showing the linguistic self-esteem of local variant users (sociolinguistic and perceptive dialectology questionnaires). The afore-mentioned elements are all part of the multimodal (multifunctional) model of dialectology and are discussed in more detail across various sections of this study. The model of "Tarmynas", developed under the project "Creation of A Database for Lithuanian Local Language Variants" (2020-2021; contract number K-1012020/SK-5) is primarily based on data from various locations within the district of Kaunas. In addition to the development and successful testing of the model itself, new primary data was also collected during the course of the project. It was obtained from every location in the Kaunas district and included 200 audio recordings, more than 1000 questionnaires and more than 4000 photographs. The project was funded by the Programme of the Usage, Standardization and Dissemination of the State Language, overseen by the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language. Linguistic corpora and databases are, of course, by no means a new phenomenon in Lithuania. There are several examples of written, spoken and other collections of linguistic data in the country. However, one single database covering the entire territory of the Lithuanian language with all of its local variants has not been developed until now.Two previous databases – the Collection of Dialectal Texts and the Archive Dialect Database (both developed from the materials held at the Archive of Dialects in the Centre of Geolinguistics, Institute of the Lithuanian Language) are relatively small and no longer updated. They are not suitable for spatial analysis of linguistic data, nor do they reflect the actual picture of Lithuanian dialects used in the 21st century. In other words, these databases no longer reflect the main principles of data collection and research currently applied in Europe in order to analyse traditional dialects and other language variants. The limitations of research methods and tools currently available to Lithuanian linguists, combined with a growing demand for monitoring the variation of language(s), prompted the development of a geographical collection of data. This portal will not only link the materials obtained using different methods (perceptive dialectology, dialectometry, traditional material collection and analysis, etc.), but will also have the capabilities to automate the results, to model the geographical spread of language change and development, as well as identifying mathematical and logical links between different geographical locations. All of these features will be provided by the tools of ArcGIS platform, which is being used to develop the "Tarmynas". The choice of this GIS-based platform was determined by its many advantages. It allows generation and structuring of different types of data (audio, video recordings, etc.), as well linking the data from various scientific studies to specific locations. The platform will also enable territorial integration of the existing data held by other Lithuanian institutions within their information systems and registers. In addition, functions such as multifactorial geospatial statistical analysis of data will be available too. [...]. [From the publication]

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