LTDisertacijoje išsamiau tyrinėta „Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodyne“ (toliau - DLKŽ) pateiktų priesagos '-imas / -ymas' ir galūnės '-a' vedinių daryba, reikšmės, apibrėžimai, semantiniai ir formalūs ryšiai su pamatiniais veiksmažodžiais, pateikti įvairūs statistiniai duomenys. Be to, stengtasi atkreipti dėmesį į patį DLKŽ, jo struktūrą, medžiagos pateikimą, žodžių apibrėžimų formulavimą, iškelti kai kuriuos probleminius žodžių darybos ir kitų sričių dalykus, nagrinėtinus ateityje bei tobulintinus, rengiant kitus (ypač - bendrinės lietuvių kalbos) žodynus. [Iš disertacijos santr., p. 4]
ENThe thesis deals with the formation of derivatives with the suffix '-imas / -ymas' and the ending '-a', presented in "The dictionary of modern Lithuanian" (hereafter referred to as DML), their meanings, definitions, semantic and formal relations with basic verbs, and cites different statistical data. Besides, attempts have been made to draw attention to the DML itself, its structure, entries, definitions of words, to point to some problematic issues in word formation and other spheres to be analyzed and elaborated in the future when compiling other dictionaries (dictionary of Standard Lithuanian, in particular). The work differs from the earlier works also in that the present material was collected and processed by means of a computer after the program of the compuational analysis of word formation has been created in cooperation with programmers R. Jurėnas, S. Meškauskienė and D. Poznanskienė. The thesis is composed of three parts where derivatives from verbs with the suffix '-imas / -ymas' and teh ending '-a' are studied in the aspects indicated above. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the study of more complicated, from every point of view, derivatives with the ending '-a', whereas not so problematic derivatives with the suffix '-imas / -ymas' are dealt with in the second part of the work. The comparison of the research results of the derivatives formed with both derivative affixes is presented in part 3 and the conclusions are given at the end of the thesis. Statistical data are outlined in 75 tables, the material is represented in 30 diagrams. Verbal substantives with the suffix '-imas / -ymas' and the ending '-a' were studied from the synchronic point of view, i. e. only those derivatives presented in the DML which retained their derivative link with their basic words formed the subject of the presented study.Most derivatives with the suffix '-imas / -ymas' are presented in the DML under the entries of basic verbs, therefore, they are not difficult to select and count. The selection of derivatives with the ending '-a' is much morecomplicated - they are presented under separate entries, most often are more polysemantic, besides, both semantically and from the point of view of their from are more distant from basic verbs. In some cases problems arose in relation to the basic word, derivative affix (some neuter gender names of persons could be regarded as derivatives with suffixes, different sources give different explanation of their formation), the derivative direction, parasynthetic derivation, as well as distinguishing derivative homonyms and polysemantic words. [From the dissertation abstract]