Kalbinis mandagumas nekilnojamojo turto skelbimuose: prašymai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kalbinis mandagumas nekilnojamojo turto skelbimuose: prašymai
Alternative Title:
Linguistic politeness in real estate ads: requests
In the Journal:
Res humanitariae. 2022, t. 30, p. 26-47
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje tiriami rašytinės lietuvių kalbos prašymai ir jų mandagumas, fiksuoti pagrindiniame nekilnojamojo turto (toliau – NT) skelbimų portale "Aruodas.lt" (kiti specializuoti ar bendro pobūdžio skelbimų portalai, t. y. "domoplius.lt, kampas.lt, skelbiu.lt" ir pan., nebuvo stebimi, nes juose pateikiama palyginus nedaug skelbimų, be to, daugelis NT skelbimų dubliuoja portale "Aruodas.lt" pateiktus skelbimus). Empirinė medžiaga, kurią sudaro 1000 šnekos aktų, rinkta nuo 2020 m. balandžio 6 d. iki 2021 m. gegužės 30 d. Šiuo tyrimu siekiama nustatyti taikomų strategijų tipus pagal prašymų tiesiogiškumo laipsnį, ištirti vidines ir išorines prašymų branduolių modifikacijas ir galiausiai nustatyti pagrindines kreipinių formas. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: kalbinis mandagumas, prašymai, prašymų strategijos, nekilnojamojo turto skelbimai. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe study of written Lithuanian language requests on the real estate (RE) classifieds portal "Aruodas.lt" and their politeness has shown that: 1. Lithuanians tend to make direct requests in RE classifieds. Most (646, or 61.6%) of the ads are direct requests, with non-conventionally direct requests far and between (5, or 0.5%); no conventionally indirect requests were found at all during the period covered by the study. 2. Depending on their productivity, direct requests on "Aruodas.lt" were further split into five types: explicit performatives (512, or 83.1%), imperatives (87, or 14.1%), mixed-type (11, or 1.8%), i.e. explicit performatives + imperatives (10, or 90.9%) and statements of want + explicit performatives (1, or 9.1%), invitations (3, or 0.5%), statements of (non)requirement (2, or 0.3%), and statements of want (1, or 0.2%). 3. The RE portal "Aruodas.lt" is dominated by explicit performatives (512, or 83.1%) with the performative verb "prašome/prašom" (‘please’) (314, or 61.3%), "prašau" (‘please’) (185, or 36.1%), "prašytume" (‘we would like’) (4, or 0.8%), "prašyčiau" (‘I would like’) (1, or 0.2%), "paprašysiu" (‘I will ask you’) (1, or 0.2%), and the conjugate noun that signifies request "prašymas" (‘[a] request’) (7, or 1.4%). Such requests sometimes have facultative components added in the form of adverbs, the prevalent ones being "maloniai" (‘kindly’) (46, or 9%) and "labai" (‘very much’) (25, or 4.9%). 4. Internal lexical and phrasal modifications on the RE classifieds portal were not variegated during the period covered by the analysis, and primarily consisted of markers of request (523, or 52.3%), while instances of hedging (emojis signifying that the addresser was opting for an informal, warmer style of interaction), a strategy of contact politeness, were rather few (11, or 1.1%).5. When it comes to RE classifieds, intricate linguistic constructions, such as compound subordinate clauses (20, or 3.2%) or compound coordinate clauses (2, or 0.3%), are not the obvious choice. Sentences on the portal "Aruodas.lt" are predominantly simple, their style is brief and concise. 6. Both internal and external modifications of request cores were found among the RE classifieds, which are dominated by preparatory statements (143, or 14.3%) and expressions of advance gratitude (67, or 6.7%). The data analysis revealed that the most prevalent expressions of gratitude are the interjection "ačiū" (‘thank you’) (48, or 71.6%), followed by the performative verb "dėkoti" (‘[to] thank’) (10, or 14.9%) and its form "padėkoti" (2, or 3.1%), as well as the interjection "dėkui" (‘thanks’) (7, or 10.4%). Cases of reasoning were scarce (20, or 2%), and appeals to the addressee’s kindness and instances of irony were few (each amounting to 2, or 0.2%). 7. The RE classifieds portal "Aruodas.lt" is dominated by terms from the Databank of Terminology of the Republic of Lithuania, such as "tarpininkas, -ė" (‘intermediary’) (210, or 21.4%), "brokeris, -ė" (‘broker’) (180, or 18.3%), and "agentas, -ė" (‘agent’) (72, or 7.3%), which are usually devoid of any attributes to express respect or amiability. Most classifieds address the target in a mixed manner (257, or 26.2%). Even though this portal has been found to feature addresses that consist of several words, such as "nekilnojamojo turto brokeris, -ė" (‘real estate broker’) (105, or 10.7%), "nekilnojamojo turto agentas, -ė" (‘real estate agent’) (84, or 8.5%), or "nekilnojamojo turto tarpininkas, -ė" (‘real estate intermediary’) (17, or 1.7%), for the sake of the economy of language, such addresses tend to be truncated.8. A lot of the empiric material consists of constatives (379, or 37.9%): constative sentences that perform a referential function and are neutral in terms of language politeness. Constatives usually have a standard expression, such as "brokerių paslaugos nedomina" (‘not interested in broker service’) (44, or 11.6%); "butas parduodamas be tarpininkų" (‘apartment is being sold without brokerage’) (31, or 8.2%); "tarpininkų paslaugos nedomina" (‘not interested in intermediary services’) (32, or 8.4%); "agentai nepageidaujami" (‘no agents’) (28, or 7.4%); "brokerių skambučiai nepageidaujami" (‘no calls from brokers’) (15, or 4%), and so on. 9. To sum up this study of the written Lithuanian language (or rather some of it, in the form of RE ads), Lithuanians can be said to lean towards politeness over distance, meaning that they are formal and respectful in their interactions. When addressing RE specialists on the portal "Aruodas.lt", Lithuanians tend to be direct and use lexical markers of politeness in their requests. The data from this study suggest that when they interact with strangers in public Lithuanians tend to be polite, because written discourse with no close connection between the parties would allow the addresser more freedom to choose between different strategies of request, disregarding any instruments of politeness. Keywords: linguistic politeness, request, request strategies, real-estate advertisement. Keywords: linguistic politeness, request, request strategies, real-estate advertisement. [From the publication]

1822-7708; 2538-922X
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