Kada iš tikrųjų mirė Mikalojus Daukša?

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kada iš tikrųjų mirė Mikalojus Daukša?
Alternative Title:
When did Mikalojus Daukša die?
In the Journal:
Acta linguistica Lithuanica. 2022, t. 87, p. 311-325
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje kvestionuojama Mikalojaus Daukšos mirties data. Iki šiol manyta, kad Daukša mirė 1613 m. vasario mėnesį. Straipsnyje pristatomi du dokumentai, įrodantys, kad 1613 m. spalio 15 d. – 1614 m. spalio 18 d. Daukša dar buvo gyvas. Pagrindžiama nauja Daukšos mirties data – 1615 m. vasario mėnuo. Esminiai žodžiai: Mikalojus Daukša (?–1615), Konstantinas Jablonskis (1892–1960), Kražių kolegija (1614–1773). [Iš leidinio]

ENIt is generally assumed that Mikalojus Daukša, the pioneer of books printed in Lithuanian in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, died between 13 February and 5 March 1613. This fact was established by Konstantinas Jablonskis (1892–1960), a well-known Lithuanian historian, who published plenty of valuable documents on Daukša and his relatives between the WW1 and the WW2. The year of 1613 is based on the will of Daukša but the will itself is known only from a register extant in an inventory of the documents concerning the lands of the former Babėnai domain which Daukša and his relatives were in possession of. After Jablonskis, nobody saw a document proving that Daukša was alive after 1613. As a result, this date established itself in the literature related to Daukša’s biography. Recently, two documents were found by the author of the article which prove that Daukša was still alive at least until 18 October 1614. These documents preserved in copies were subjected to scrutiny by the author of the article and found reliable. As a result, a new date of Daukša’s death is proposed, namely the second half of February 1615. Keywords: Mikalojus Daukša (?–1615), Konstantinas Jablonskis (1892–1960), Kražiai College (1614–1773). [From the publication]

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