"Atžvilgiu" konstrukcija valentingumo aspektu

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
"Atžvilgiu" konstrukcija valentingumo aspektu
Alternative Title:
Construction with "atžvilgiu" from the perspective of valency
In the Journal:
Acta linguistica Lithuanica. 2022, t. 87, p. 245-269
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠio straipsnio objektas – polinksniškojo "atžvilgiu" konstrukcija. Tikslas – remiantis "Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos tekstyno" (DLKT) medžiaga, išsiaiškinti kalbamosios konstrukcijos santykį su valentingumu. Tyrimas parodė, kad sakinyje polinksniškojo "atžvilgiu" konstrukcija vartojama ir kaip leksemos valentinis aktantas, ir kaip nevalentinis – laisvasis narys. Esminiai žodžiai: valentingumas, valentinis aktantas, laisvasis narys, "atžvilgiu" konstrukcija. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article addresses the construction with postpositional "atžvilgiu" from the perspective of valency. It draws on 600 examples collected from "The Corpus of Contemporary Lithuanian Language", which was developed at the Centre of Computational Linguistics of Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. It appeared that the construction with postpositional "atžvilgiu" is used in a sentence both instead of the valent actants of the word and as free elements. As a free element, the construction with postpositional "atžvilgiu" is related to the free dative (or the construction with the preposition su), prepositional constructions, adverb; they are used at the core, extended and propositional level. There is a tendency to use the construction with postpositional "atžvilgiu" instead of the valent (mandatory and facultative) actants of the lexeme where they correspond to the functions of the percipient, beneficiary or contentive. In such case, the construction with "atžvilgiu" used as an indirect object replaces the dative or the actant expressed by a prepositional ('su, į, apie, dėl') construction; the subject corresponds to the percipient, patient, agent. The construction with postpositional "atžvilgiu" is preferred when the lexeme denotes the syntactic actant of the subject corresponding to the percipient. A beneficiary is specified (tends to be specified) in order to highlight and mark a state or an active action. The usage of postpositional "atžvilgiu" pertains to the (in)transitivity of the lexeme and the (non)agency of the subject.The categorical properties of the lexeme affect the morphosyntactic marking of the semantic actant correlating to the indirect object (by the dative, constructions with the prepositions 'į, apie', etc. and/or the construction with postpositional atžvilgiu). Keywords: valency, valent actant, free element, construction with "atžvilgiu". [From the publication]

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