Darybos formantų homonimiškumas ir jo žymėjimas žodžių darybos žinyne

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Darybos formantų homonimiškumas ir jo žymėjimas žodžių darybos žinyne
Alternative Title:
Homonymy of derivational formatives and its marking in the word formation manual
In the Journal:
Acta linguistica Lithuanica. 2022, t. 87, p. 200-223
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama lietuvių kalbos žodžių darybos priemonių homonimija, kurios aktualumas išryškėjo kuriant "Žodžių darybos vedlį", skaitmeninį lietuvių kalbos daiktavardžių darybos žinyną. Tyrimo tikslas – pagrįsti homoniminių darybos formantų žymėjimo reikalą žodžių darybos, morfemų, morfeminės sudėties žodynuose, žinynuose ir pan. leksikografiniuose leidiniuose ir aptarti problemas, su kuriomis susiduriama praktiškai juose pateikiant homonimines žodžių darybos priemones. Laikomasi nuomonės, kad apie homonimiją turėtų būti kalbama darybos formantų, o ne morfemų (afiksų) lygiu. Neginčytinais homoniminių darybos formantų nustatymo kriterijais laikoma skirtinga vedinių darybos reikšmė ir skirtinga darybos priemonių kilmė, o vedinių kalbos dalies skirtumas ir jų pamatinių žodžių kalbos dalies skirtumas patys savaime darybos priemonių homonimiškumo greičiausiai nesąlygoja. Homoniminiais laikytini tik tos pačios rūšies darybos afiksai (formantai). Aptarta darybos formantų, su kuriais daromi mobilieji daiktavardžiai ('substantiva mobilia'), homonimiškumo žymėjimo problema. Preliminarus homonimų žymėjimas "Žodžių darybos vedlyje" ne tik išryškino darybos priemonių homonimijos klausimo aktualumą ir problemas, bet ir parodė jos mastą – homoniminės yra apie pusė lietuvių kalbos daiktavardžių priesagų ir beveik visos galūnės. Esminiai žodžiai: žodžių daryba, darybos formantas, afiksas, morfema, homonimija, semantika. [Iš leidinio]

ENLexical homonymy is the most commonly studied type of homonymy, but this is not only a phenomenon of words but also of their forms, as well as morphemes. It is the homonymy of elements at this level of a language – morphemes, or more precisely, affixes, formatives – that has become relevant in the development of the "Word Formation Guide" (WFG, https://ekalba.lt/zodziu-darybos-vedlys/), a digital Lithuanian noun word formation manual, mainly intended for the general public. The study aims to justify the necessity of the marking of homonymy of derivational formatives (and morphemes in general) in lexicographic publications and to raise the problems encountered in the practical presentation of the homonymic means of word formation. To achieve this goal, the homonymic means of the formation of nouns in the Lithuanian language – suffixes, inflections, (partially) prefixes – have been registered, the criteria of homonymy of the means of word formation have been discussed, and the problematic aspects of homonymy marking have been highlighted. The "Word Formation Guide" provides a preliminary marking of the homonymy of the noun derivational formatives presented in the Lithuanian grammar. It has become evident that it is useful or even necessary to mark homonymy in such manuals and other lexicographic sources (dictionaries of word formation, morphemes, morphemic structure). Such dictionaries should reflect the homonymy of all types of morphemes – derivational affixes and roots. Only morphemes of the same type should be considered homonymous. Moreover, homonymy should be discussed at the level of formatives, not at the level of morphemes (e.g. in the case of suffixation, it would be a suffix together with the ending – '-ikas, -ikis, -ikė', not just '-ik-').It is also difficult to establish homonymy criteria for derivational means in the WFG firmly and unambiguously, in particular because the manual only covers nouns. A different picture of homonymy would be apparent in the context of the derivational means of all parts of speech. As far as nouns are concerned, the criteria for distinguishing homonymy are the different derivational meanings of derivatives and the different origins of the means of derivation. The difference in the part of speech of derivatives and the difference in the part of speech of their base words (unless this is also fundamentally related to different derivational semantics) does not in itself lead to homonymy of the means of derivation and is unlikely to be a criterion for it. It is not yet entirely clear how to mark the homonymy of derivational formatives whose derivatives may have both masculine and feminine forms and/or either one of them. Cf. 'merg-ikė' ‘little, cute girl’ (diminutive, the suffix '-ikė'), 'neš-ikas, neš-ikė' ‘bearer’ (the suffix '-ikas, -ė'), 'raudon-ikis, raudon-ikė' ‘person with a red, scarlet face’ (the suffix '-ikis, -ė'). More research is needed to establish the homonymy of prefixes. The prefixesbe-originating from the particle be and from the preposition be are unquestionable homonyms (only the latter is used in nouns, e.g. 'be-dugnė' ‘abyss’ – cf. 'be dugno' ‘without bottom’). In some cases ('pa-, prieš-, prie-'), prefixes are marked as homonyms in the WFG due to their different formation, and some of their derivatives may refer to non-nouns. In the future, an explanatory dictionary of Lithuanian derivational formatives could be compiled based on the supplemented WFG.In addition to the homonymy-corrected information already provided in the WFG, it should also contain the derivational formatives of other parts of speech and more neoclassical formatives, not only initial but also final ones. Their homonymy, both concerning the indigenous derivational means and with each other, should, of course, also be investigated and marked. Keywords: word formation, derivational formative, affix, morpheme, homonymy, semantics. [From the publication]

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