Produktyvieji daiktavardžių ir būdvardžių vedinių naujadarų tipai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Produktyvieji daiktavardžių ir būdvardžių vedinių naujadarų tipai
Alternative Title:
Productive types of noun and adjective neologisms
In the Journal:
Acta linguistica Lithuanica. 2022, t. 87, p. 177-199
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojami produktyviesiems darybos tipams priklausantys su priesagomis padaryti daiktavardžių ir būdvardžių naujadarai, surinkti iš lietuvių autorių tekstų. (Naujadaru laikomas atraminiuose šaltiniuose – "Bendrinės lietuvių kalbos žodyne", "Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodyne", "Lietuvių kalbos žodyne" ir "Lietuvių kalbos žodyno papildymų kartotekoje" – nefiksuoti dariniai.) Tyrime remiamasi 374 naujadarų, priklausančių šešiems daiktavardžių ir būdvardžių darybos tipams, analizės duomenimis: straipsnyje aptariami priesagų '-imas / -ymas' ir '-tis' veiksmažodžių abstraktai, '-umas, -ybė, -ystė' vardažodžių abstraktai, taip pat priesagos '-iškas, -a' būdvardžiai. Tyrimu siekiama atskleisti šių tipų naujadarų darybos, semantikos ir vartosenos ypatumus. Empirinės analizės duomenys lyginami su žodžių darybos veikaluose ir gramatikose pateiktais šių darybos tipų aprašais, taip pat 'Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenyno' tyrėjų įžvalgomis. Pateikiama keletas rekomendacijų leksikografams. Esminiai žodžiai: naujadaras, darybos tipas, produktyvumas, darinys, vedinys, dūrinys, priesaga, (potencinis) pamatinis žodis. [Iš leidinio]

ENNeologisms found in the texts of Lithuanian authors were selected as the object of this study. The article analyses suffixed nouns and adjectives belonging to the productive types of word formation. The research is based on the data from the study of the formation, semantics and use of 374 neologisms (194 nouns and 180 adjectives) belonging to six types of formation. In summary it can be said that the formation of neologisms still shows the same productive types of the formation of suffixed nouns and adjectives, the main features of the formation of neologisms also remain unchanged. Neologisms of all types of formation are usually based on the base words provided in the sources of lexicography, thus, they are first-level derivatives (they make up 77 percent of all neologisms). Twenty-three percent of neologisms are based on potential base words and are mostly second-level derivatives. The study of various neologisms – both presented in the Database of Neologisms of the Lithuanian language and collected from texts by Lithuanian authors – reveals a general tendency that in order to nominally name an action, the users of the Lithuanian language most often create lexical units according to the usual patterns of word formation and that the sequence of the most derivable types of verb abstracts presented in grammars ('-imas/-ymas, -tis') remains the same. The nominal types of neologisms are arranged according to productivity in the same way as indicated in the grammars: '-umas, -ybė, -ystė'. Although the study of the neologisms recorded in the Database of Neologisms of the Lithuanian language has revealed a slightly different sequence of derivable affixes, the three most derivable types remain unchanged.Although the neologisms of the abstracts of verbs and nominals do not in principle differ from real derivatives, a considerable part of them are formed from potential base words: such are 63 percent of the '-imas/-ymas' derivatives and 52 percent of the '-umas' derivatives. The most derivable type of adjective neologisms is the suffix '-iškas, -a'. Neologisms of this type are more often formed from nouns denoting living things (they make up 60 percent of all the adjectives). A tendency to be based on words with a rather complex morphemic structure is becoming pronounced. The productivity of the type of the suffix '-iškas, -a' is also evidenced by the abundance of abstracts with -umas made from the potential -iškas, -a adjectives: 45 percent of neologisms with '-umas' are made from the neologisms with the suffix '-iškas, -a'. The absolute majority of adjectives with -iškas are epithets with a literal or figurative meaning. Some adjectives with '-iškas' are used as hidden comparisons. In addition, neologisms with '-iškas' compress the text. The meanings of the neologisms become clear from a minimal or wider context. Productivity of the type and knowledge of analogous real derivatives also helps us to understand the meaning. Although a large part of neologisms can be considered potential derivatives, nevertheless, some of them catch the eye of the addressee, they are not typical because of a potential base word or because of atypical usage. Sometimes neologisms also have the function of linking the text and are often used for various repetitions. A total of 21 neologisms are not listed in the supporting dictionaries, however, they are recorded in bilingual dictionaries – it would be worthwhile for lexicographers to pay attention to this.Ten neologisms are already presented in the Database of Neologisms of the Lithuanian language, which means that they are also used by other authors. The attention of lexicographers should also be drawn to those cases where the dictionaries contain derivatives, but they do not contain their base words. Keywords: neologism, type of word formation, productivity, derivative, compound, (potential) base word. [From the publication]

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