Lietuvos Respublikos ir Rusijos Federacijos 1990-1991 m. derybos dėl tarpvalstybinių santykių pagrindų sutarties. Minint sutarties trisdešimtmetį

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos Respublikos ir Rusijos Federacijos 1990-1991 m. derybos dėl tarpvalstybinių santykių pagrindų sutarties. Minint sutarties trisdešimtmetį
Alternative Title:
Negotiations between the Republic of Lithuania and the Russian Federation in 1990–1991 on the treaty on the basis for relations between states: commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of the treaty
In the Journal:
Konstitucinė jurisprudencija. 2020, Nr. 4, p. 260-318
Summary / Abstract:

LTAnalizuojant Lietuvos ir Rusijos derybų 1990–1991 m. procesą dėl tarpvalstybinių santykių sureguliavimo, būtina įvertinti jį lėmusius pagrindinius veiksnius (faktorius). Nagrinėjamu laikotarpiu Lietuvos ir Rusijos santykių sureguliavimą veikė istoriniai 1918–1940 m. faktoriai. Vertinant Lietuvos Respublikos ir Rusijos Federacijos santykius, tiek juos sureguliuojant sutartimis, tiek po sureguliavimo dešimtmečiais juos palaikant, Lietuvos atstovams reikia atsakymo į klausimą „kiek praeities yra dabartyje?“11 Kitaip tariant, reikia įvertinti, koks yra Rusijos valstybės santykis su savo praeities veiksmais ir jų pasekmėmis. Lietuvos 1990–1991 m. derybose su Rusijos Federacija kaip aktualūs praeities veiksniai figūravo 1920 m. liepos 12 d. Lietuvos ir Sovietų Rusijos Taikos sutartis12 (toliau – 1920 m. Taikos sutartis, Taikos sutartis) bei 1940 m. SSRS įvykdyta Lietuvos okupacija ir aneksija. Kitus Lietuvos ir Rusijos Federacijos derybas veikusius faktorius subrandino nagrinėjamu laikotarpiu vykusi imperinės SSRS geopolitinė transformacija. 1917 m. kovo pradžioje carinėje Rusijos imperijoje įvykus vadinamajai Vasario13 revoliucijai, Rusijos valstybės valdžia buvo perduota įvairių politinių jėgų koalicinei Laikinajai vyriausybei, Rusija rengėsi tapti demokratine valstybe. Rugsėjo mėnesį Rusijos valstybė buvo paskelbta respublika, lapkričio 12 d. buvo paskirti Steigiamojo susirinkimo rinkimai. Tačiau 1917 m. lapkričio 7 d.14 bolševikai įvykdė karinį vyriausybės perversmą. 1918 m. sausį susirinkusį Steigiamąjį susirinkimą rinkimus pralaimėję bolševikai paleido (išvaikė) ir Rusijos valstybė tapo galutinai jų užvaldyta Rusijos Tarybų Federacine Socialistine Respublika (RTFSR), arba Tarybų (Sovietų) Rusija. [Iš straipsnio, p. 262]

ENIn 1990–1992, the author of this article was the Deputy Chairperson of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania and the Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Lithuania for Negotiations with the Russian Federation. In this work, the author examines the almost 11-month-long process of negotiations between the Republic of Lithuania and the Russian Federation, then the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR), on the treaty on the basis for relations between states. In 1990, the Republic of Lithuania, which de jure became a fully independent state under the Act of 11 March, sought to restore the former state relations between the two independent states that existed before the occupation and annexation of Lithuania by the USSR in 1940, but the USSR leader Mikhail Gorbachev wanted to preserve the USSR empire and annexed Lithuania as part of it. In the initial “negotiations on negotiations” with Lithuania, the USSR made it a precondition that the negotiations should be conducted only on the status of Lithuania’s statehood within the Soviet Union. In this context, the author evaluates the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the RSFSR as a fundamental document of Russian statehood adopted by the Congress of Deputies of the Russian Federation on 12 June 1990, which opened up a real opportunity for Lithuania to regulate state relations directly with the Russian Federation. On 27 July 1990, the leaders of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Lithuania, Boris Yeltsin and Vytautas Landsbergis, agreed to start bilateral negotiations on the conclusion of a treaty on political-legal relations between the two countries in accordance with the principles and norms of international law without imposing any preconditions on each other. At the same time, the Russian Federation agreed on bilateral negotiations with the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Estonia.The article reveals the efforts of the authorised Lithuanian negotiating commission at the beginning of the negotiations to reach agreement with the commission authorised by the Russian Federation on reflecting political and legal principles relevant to Lithuania in the treaty on relations between Lithuania and Russia. With the aim of establishing a democratic Russian state, which would be independent from the USSR, the Russian Federation strictly separated its identity from the RSFSR founded as a result of the Bolshevik coup d’état in 1917, which became part of the Soviet Union in 1922. In this way, the Russian Federation wanted to distance itself from responsibility for the criminal actions committed by the communist Soviet Union. The article shows and evaluates political support officially expressed by Mr Yeltsin to the independence of Lithuania and the other two Baltic States and to the nations defending this independence during the military aggression by the USSR against Lithuania on 13 January 1991. On January 12 and 13, Mr Yeltsin had already signed with the leaders of Estonia and Latvia treaties on relations between states with the Russian Federation. In the negotiations with Lithuania, the Russian Federation sought such wording for the treaty with Lithuania that would be identical to that reached in the treaties signed with Latvia and Estonia. The article reveals how such a position of Russia complicated the negotiations between the independent Republic of Lithuania and the Russian Federation, as the treaties signed by Estonia and Latvia with Russia reflected their statuses during the periods of transition to full state independence.Meanwhile, Lithuania sought that in the first article of the treaty Lithuania and Russia recognise each other as subjects of international law according to their state status, as enshrined in the fundamental acts adopted by them. The article reveals in detail how, after a long discussion of the negotiators, the Lithuanian-Russian treaty clearly regulated the issues of free choice of citizenship and favourable conditions for acquiring citizenship in their country of permanent residence for persons who moved from the Russian territory to Lithuania and vice versa. The author thoroughly describes how much negotiating efforts of Lithuania and of the Russian Federation were needed until they agreed on the common approach in the treaty that only after the USSR eliminated the consequences of the annexation of Lithuania in 1940 the conditions for mutual trust would be created between the parties. As for the latter, the leaders of both countries, Mr Landsbergis and Mr Yeltsin, reached a final agreement only on 10 July 1991, after Mr Yeltsin had been elected President of the Russian Federation. The Treaty between the Republic of Lithuania and the Russian SFSR on the Basis for Relations between States was signed by Mr Yeltsin and Mr Landsbergis on 29 July 1991, when only three weeks were left before the communist putsch in Moscow. [From the publication]

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