Imitacinių bendrovių veiklos galimybės realaus verslo kontekste - praktikantų požiūris

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Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Imitacinių bendrovių veiklos galimybės realaus verslo kontekste - praktikantų požiūris
Alternative Title:
Impact opportunities for simulation companies in the context of real business - practices of practitioners
In the Journal:
Įžvalgos. 2020, 1, p. 162-169
Summary / Abstract:

LTVerslumo ugdymo plėtra ir populiarinimas išlieka vienu pagrindinių ES tikslų. Verslumo ugdymas svarbus formuojant jaunų žmonių mąstyseną, teikiant žinias, lavinant įgūdžius ir nuostatas, kurios skatina verslumo kultūros augimą. Ieškant galimybių visapusiškai išugdyti jaunimo verslumo gebėjimus bei paruošti jauną žmogų darbo rinkai, būtina suaktyvinti bendradarbiavimą tarp Imitacinių bendrovių (toliau tekste IB) bei realaus verslo įmonių. Straipsnyje analizuojama IB veiklos galimybės realaus verslo kontekste – praktikanto požiūriu. IB praktikantų pasitelkimas verslo įmonių veikloje yra neišplėtotas. Tai rodo būtinybę IB vadovams išryškinti ir akcentuoti bendradarbiavimo naudos galimybes ieškant naujų partnerysčių su verslo įmonėmis. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: Imitacinė bendrovė, IB praktikantas, verslo įmonė, bendradarbiavimo nauda. [Iš leidinio]

ENDeveloping citizens' entrepreneurship is important for the growth and competitiveness of the European economy. In order to promote professional skills and entrepreneurship among young people, Practice Enterprise (PE) have been set up in Lithuania, with a flexible model that allows them to create the right business environment for different target groups, taking into account the needs of specific target groups. This model involves real business enterprises as a social partner. The research aimed to analyze the business opportunities of Practice Enterprise in the context of real business - from the perspective of trainees. Methods used in the research: analysis of scientific literature, quantitative representative written survey, statistical analysis of research data. During the study, an electronic questionnaire was developed for trainees working in PE and a request to participate in the study was sent. The study included 130 PE respondents from three levels of science: high school students, vocational and general education students.The results of the research revealed wide possibilities of cooperation between trainees and real business enterprises working with the Lithuanian Practice Enterprise. PE practitioners believe they can benefit businesses in many ways, including working with specialized software programs that they master during their studies; distribute the activities of real businesses on social networks and promote their products and services; assist with the management of company documents; contribute to various events and market surveys. PE practitioners noted that real business ventures contribute by conveying knowledge about overall business operations; providing internships in companies, and can help establish collaborative relationships with other companies. Trainees at PE distinguish between providing business representatives with access to the company material base or inviting them to participate in their projects. PE trainees are very positive about real business cooperation with PE operating in Lithuania. The aim is to look for a variety of forms and methods of collaboration that can strengthen the relationship between real business and imitation companies. [From the publication]

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