LTLietuviškų ansamblių sąskrydis yra pats seniausias ir didžiausias Suvalkų krašte vykstantis kultūrinis lietuvių renginys. Kasmet vienoje vietoje jis suburia daugelį šio krašto meno kolektyvų. Iš pradžių jie vykdavo Klevų kaime, vėliau Vaitakiemyje ir Žagariuose. Nuo kelių dešimtmečių šventė rengiama Burbiškiuose prie gražaus Galadusio ežero.
ENThe gatherings of Lithuanian ensembles is the oldest and largest Lithuanian cultural event taking place in Suvalkai region. Every year it brings together many art collectives of this region in one place. Initially, they took place in Klevai village, later in Vaitakiemis and Žagariai. For several decades the festival has been held in Burbiškiai near the beautiful Lake Galadusis. After 1920, when the Suvalkai region came to Poland, Lithuanian activities were restricted. Their schools, bookstores, libraries, institutions and organizations were closed. The situation intensified somewhat around 1924 – 1925, when the branch of the St. Casimir Society was established, which organized Lithuanian evenings and other events. In 1936 the Polish administrative authorities began to persecute Lithuanians again. On March 17, 1938 Poland issued an ultimatum to Lithuania, demanding the establishment of diplomatic relations and the recognition of the Vilnius region for Poland. When Lithuania adopted the ultimatum, the attitude of Poles towards Lithuanians from Suvalkai region softened. It was allowed for Lithuanian organizations to operate, organize cultural festivals and other events in Klevai on July 9, 1939. World War II interrupted cultural activities in the Suvalkai region. We had to wait for the next meeting of the ensembles for 20 years. It was organized in 1959 in Klevai. The gatherings of Lithuanian ensembles had, have and will have an invaluable significance for our society. They have grown very strongly in the calendar of cultural events in our country. [From the publication]