Rytų baltų toponimų sando -sat(-)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Rytų baltų toponimų sando -sat(-)/-sath ir jo variantų -sāt(-e)/-zate kilmė (top. lie. Abelssat, Pawll Lamßatt, Nimmersath)
Alternative Title:
Origin of East Baltic toponyms composed of components -sat(-)/-sath or -sāt(-e)/-zate (top. Lith. Abelssat, Pawll Lamßatt, Nimmersath)
In the Journal:
Baltu filoloģija. 2022, t. 31, nr. 1, p. 29-47
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama rytų baltų vietovardžių sando -sat(-) /-sath ir jo variantų -sāt(-e) /-zate kilmė. Šio struktūrinio elemento etiologija grindžiama detaliu fonomorfologiniu top. lie. Abelssat, Pawll Lamßatt, Nimmersath tyrimu, suponavusiu visiškai naują jo etimologinę eksplikaciją. Priešingai ligšioliniams tyrėjų mėginimams įžvelgti paveldėtos formos ar finų kalbų skolinio vartoseną, šis sandas priskiriamas germanizmams – kadastro terminams, reflektuojantiems sub. v. v. ž. sât, sate ‘vieta; (kaimo) gyvenvietė, sodyba; sodžius; sodybvietė; žemės valda, žemės sklypas; žemės ploto vienetas, vartotas Vokietijoje (7–15 ha); statinys’, taip pat sub. a. v. a. sath, sadt ‘t. p.’. Raktažodžiai: kadastro terminas, germanizmas, v. v. ž. sât, sate, a. v. a. sath, sadt. [Leidėjo anotacija]

ENReferring to etymological analysis, the author of this article presents a new hypothesis concerning the origin of the East Baltic toponyms composed of structural elements -sat(-)/-sath or -sāt(-e)/-zate. The analysis refers to the description of derivatives and semantic development of top. Lith. Abelssat, Pawll Lamßatt, Nimmersath. In summing up the research results, one may conclude that toponyms with the structural elements -sat(-)/-sath or -sāt(-e)/-zate belong to lexemes of the West Germanic origin. More precisely, these components, contrary to what was commonly done in the past, are to be derived from sub. MLG sât, sate, as well as from sub. EHG sath, sadt. In summarizing the outcomes of the research into the East Baltic toponyms composed of structural elements -sat(-)/-sath or -sāt(-e)/-zate, the following main conclusions are proposed: 1. East Baltic toponyms composed of structural elements -sat(-)/-sath or -sāt(-e)/-zate presuppose a protoform of West Germanic origin, i.e. an old Latinism — sub. MLG sât, sate ‘a place; rural area, village; a barton; land adjoining a farm; holding; a land measure earlier used in Germany (7–15 ha); a building’ ↔ sub. EHG sath, sadt ‘id.’. 2. Sub. Latv. sāts, sāta, sāte are to be ascribed to Germanisms, i.e. to cadastral terms, but not to Latvian dialectisms. 3. Top. Lith. Abelssat 1509 belongs to the lexical layer of non-adapted place-names of Germanic origin, composed of p. n. MLG / EHG Abel ‘Albert’ and sub. MLG sât (↔ sate) ‘rural area, village; a barton; land adjoining a farm; a holding; a building’ that presupposes a protosememe *‘Albert’s farm, land’.4. Top. Lith. Pawll Lamßatt 1540 is to be ascribed to non-adapted place-names of Germanic origin that presuppose a cadastral term of landed property: a holding of Paul Lam (↔ Lambert), i.e. Lamßatt ← p. n. *Lamps- (← p. n. G Lamp[e] ‘Lambert’) + sub. MLG sât (sate) ↔ EHG sath, sadt ‘land adjoining a farm; a holding etc.’. 5. Top. Lith. Nymmersatt belongs to compounds of karmadhāraya type. It is composed of adj. EHG nimmer ‘sad, dismal’ and sub. EHG sath, sadt (↔ MLG sât [sate]) ‘rural area, village; a barton etc.’, reflecting metathesis of structural elements of the 1th component, i.e. -i(y)-…-e- → -e-…-i-, and the change of a vowel -a- to -e- of the 2nd component, predetermined by progressive assimilation resp. *N-i-mm-e-rsat *‘gloomy place’ → *N-e-mirs-a-ta → N-e-mirs-e-ta. Keywords: cadastral term, Germanism, MLG sât, sate, EHG sath, sadt. [From the publication]

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