LTStraipsnyje analizuojamas Lietuvos Persitvarkymo Sąjūdžio (toliau – Sąjūdžio) siekis turėti savarankišką laidą valstybiniame televizijos kanale (LSSR Televizijos ir radijo komiteto Lietuvos TV) ir to siekio įgyvendinimas 1988 m. birželio 3 d. – 1990 m. kovo 11 d. laikotarpiu. Tyrimu konceptualiai rekonstruojama, su kokiais iššūkiais susidūrė Sąjūdis, siekdamas daryti tiesioginę įtaką per sovietų valdomą televiziją ir kokių rezultatų pavyko pasiekti. Sąjūdžio iššūkis televizijai, kuris įgavo „Atgimimo bangos“ pavadinimą, tampa ašine straipsnio dalimi. Remiantis archyviniais šaltiniais, atsiminimais ir to meto spauda nagrinėjama televizijos laidos „Atgimimo banga“, kaip vienos svarbiausių Sąjūdžio informacijos sklaidos priemonių, istorija, įtaka bei su laida siejami konfliktai tarp Sąjūdžio ir valdžios struktūrų, kuriais valdžia pasinaudodavo draudimų ar kitokių sankcijų pritaikymui. Sporadiška laidos rengimo forma siejama ir su nepateisintais lūkesčiais, kurie lėmė staigų laidos populiarumo nuosmukį Sąjūdžiui tapus svarbia politinio gyvenimo dalimi 1989 metais. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos Persitvarkymo Sąjūdis, televizija, cenzūra, masinio informavimo priemonės, Lietuvos komunistų partija, Atgimimo banga, glasnost. perestroika. [Iš leidinio]
ENDuring the Soviet occupation, the whole Lithuanian SSR media was regarded as one of the key propaganda tools based on pure ideological content and socialist-communist messages. In such a media setting television played an essential role; together with radio (as in Moscow’s example) the latter felt under control of a committee ruled by the Council of Ministers (CM), Central Committee (CC) and Moscow patrons itself. But this situation was about to change when Sąjūdis (Reform Movement of Lithuania) came to public and tried to established its right to uncensored broadcast time via television for its own dissemination of information, which sometimes had a strong political message and was not in favour of ruling regime and party. Sąjūdis had a purpose which was totally new during Lithuanian SSR times since the start of television broadcasts in 1957 – it was uncensored broadcasting time. Based on archive sources, memoirs and press articles, this research focuses on the telecast “Atgimimo banga“ as one of the essential informational channels for Sąjūdis. This article tries to disclose its history, influence and conflicts between Sąjūdis and ruling regime, which tried to control and censor telecast’s content. Eventually, the sporadic telecast’s format had another effect: when in 1989 Sąjūdis became important part of the Lithuanian SSR political system, telecast’s popularity came to decline. One of the most popular perestroika time TV programs had some unfulfilled expectations, and, during the time, it made it as one of the most unpopular. The chronological boundaries of this research start at June of 1988, when Sąjūdis was created, and ends in March of 1990, when Lithuania declared its independence from Soviet Union. Keywords: Sąjūdis, Reform Movement of Lithuania, censorship, television, mass media, Lithuanian communist party, Atgimimo banga, Glasnost, Perestroika. [From the publication]