Klaipėdos miesto pirminės sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų kokybė

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Klaipėdos miesto pirminės sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų kokybė
Alternative Title:
Quality of Klaipėda primary health care services
In the Journal:
Regional formation and development studies. 2022, Nr. 3 (38), p. 52-66
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje tiriama ir analizuojama Klaipėdos miesto pirminės sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų kokybė. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizavus sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų kokybės teorinius vertinimo metodus, įvertinti Klaipėdos miesto pirminės asmens sveikatos priežiūros teikiamų paslaugų kokybę paslaugų gavėjų ir jų teikėjų aspektais. Siekiant šio tikslo, analizuota mokslinė literatūra, atlikta anketinė apklausa, duomenys apdoroti taikant statistinius metodus, įvertinti rezultatai, suformuoti apibendrinimai. Kokybiška sveikatos priežiūros paslauga – tai visapusiškas paciento sveikatos poreikių tenkinimas, atsižvelgiant į jo lūkesčius ir prioritetus. Atlikus Klaipėdos miesto pirminės asmens sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų kokybės vertinimą ir išanalizavus gautus rezultatus, nustatyta, kad Klaipėdos sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų teikiamų paslaugų kokybė vertinama 8,47 balo iš 10. Šios paslaugos tenkina tiek paslaugų gavėjų, tiek jų teikėjų poreikius. Tyrimas leido nustatyti ir esminius trūkumus. Paslaugos gavėjai prasčiausiai įvertino vizito pas gydytoją laukimo laiką, konsultacijos laiko trukmę, personalo pasiekiamumą, nuotolinių paslaugų teikimą. Gydytojai nepatenkinti konsultacijos laiko trukme, per dideliu darbo krūviu. Jų manymu, turėtų būti daugiau šeimos gydytojų, didesnė slaugytojų kompetencija. Be to, teigta, kad gaunama alga neatitinka darbo krūvio, geriau turėtų būti organizuota darbo sistema. PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: pirminė sveikatos priežiūra, paslaugų kokybė, pacientai. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article investigates and analyses the quality of Klaipėda’s primary health-care services. The study aims to evaluate the quality of services provided by Klaipėda City Primary Health-Care Services based on the attitudes of service beneficiaries and service providers after analysing the theoretical methods of the quality of health-care services. The article analyses scientific literature, comparative analysis, generalisation, survey, descriptive statistical methods (data comparison, grouping, graphic portrayal), and secondary statistics (analysis of patients signed in medical institutions, visits, and preventive state-funded programmes). The following methods were used for data analysis: cross-analysis (x2), Spearman correlation, and non-parameter Mann-Whitney (Z) test. Cronbach’s alpha was estimated to assess the reliability of scales. Health care aims to meet patients’ health needs, manage health-care processes and structures, and apply the latest quality management principles and methods. A quality health-care service creates a value that satisfies both the supplier and the customer, and preserves customer loyalty. Models of general evaluation and ISO 9001 quality management assessment are most widely used to assess health-care services. With the systematisation of primary health-care quality theories and assessment models in health care, the theoretical evaluation model of primary health-care service quality was designed. The model is based on global and national health-care policies, strategic health documents, and theoretical assumptions and models of primary health-care quality dimensions. To ensure health-care service quality, it is recommended to assess: 1) patients’ perceived quality, 2) the quality of health-care services provided, and 3) management quality.These three directions of quality-ofservice improvements include leading health-care factors: availability, reliability, timeliness, consistency, tangibility, safety, justice, performance and patient orientation. In terms of recipients, health-care services are provided with good quality and were evaluated at 8.47 out of 10. The best assessment of health-care service quality was for safety requirements, discriminatory properties, patient respect and privacy, communication, personnel professionalism, and the institution’s environment. The worst assessment was for waiting times for the doctor’s visit, the duration of the consultation, the accessibility of the staff, and the provision of remote services. Service providers (doctors) evaluated the quality of health-care services even better, at 8.93 out of 10. According to the doctors, patients are not discriminated against, treatment is conducted safely, privacy is respected, and confidentiality is ensured. In terms of the institution, doctors evaluate well the cleanliness and the environment, the working hours, and the range of services; but are dissatisfied with the duration of the consultation, the excessive workload, and the number of patients, which affects the patient’s consultation and examination. They think health-care institutions should have a greater number of family doctors and more responsibilities for nurses. It also highlights the salary and the workload, and would like a better system of organisation. Comparing the results obtained from the patient and the physician, it was found that the quality of Klaipėda’s primary health-care services is good. Patients estimated safety best at 4.22 and availability worst at 3.93. Doctors estimated availability best at 4.35 and timeliness worst at 3.75. KEY WORDS: primary health care, service quality, patients. [From the publication]

2029-9370; 2351-6542
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