Lietuvos istorija dailėje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos istorija dailėje
Alternative Title:
History of Lithuania in visual art
Publication Data:
Kaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2021.
310 p
Bibliografija ir asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Padėka — Įvadas — ILGASIS XIX AMŽIUS: Tautinės ir kultūrinės savasties kolizijos; LDK istorijos vaizdiniai; Savalaikiai istorijos įvykiai — LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKA (1918-1940): Konstruojame naująjį pasakojimą; Valstybinės šventės, jubiliejai ir atmintinos datos; Tarptautinėje arenoje. 1939 m. Niujorko pasaulinė paroda; Modernizmo iššūkiai; Kopijos galybė; Fotografija ir tapyba; Žymių paveikslų kopijos ir replikos; Kiek kainuoja kopija, replika ir originalas? — ANTRASIS PASAULINIS KARAS IR POKARIS (1940-1956): Laikmečio pokyčiai. Istoriškumas ir propaganda; Pirmieji nelaisvės metai ir socialistinio realizmo diktatas; Nacistinės Vokietijos „didžiojo pasakojimo“; Socialistinio realizmo istorinė frikcija — SOVIETMETIS (1956-1987): Stilistiškai atsinaujinęs siužetinis konformizmas; Gyvi istorijos skauduliai; Tautos tapatybės manifestacijos: istorinės datos, atminties vietos ir herojinė praeitis — ATGIMIMAS (1988-1991): Bundanti pradžia ir kūrybiniai proveržiai — IŠEIVIJA: Lietuvos istorijos vaizdinys išeivijos dailėje — NEPRIKLAUSOMYBĖ (1991-2020): Instituciniai ir idėjiniai pokyčiai; Dar kartą apie atmintinas datas, vietas ir LDK; Trauminių sovietmečio patirčių vaizdiniai — Pabaigoje — Santrauka — Santrumpos — Iliustracijų sąrašas — Bibliografija — Asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTGausiai iliustruotoje monografijoje analizuojamas Lietuvos istorijos įvykių, kaip valstybinės reikšmės permainų, politinių sprendimų, lemiančių šalies ir žmonių gyvenimo pokyčius, vaizdavimas dailės kūriniuose nuo XVIII a. pabaigos iki XXI a. pradžios. Pirmąsyk apibendrinamas didelis istorinės tematikos dailės kūrinių masyvas, atskleidžiamos kontekstinės kūrinių prasmės ir šio žanro raidos ypatybės. Paliečiami politinės galios ir dailininkų pasirinkimo aspektai, istorinių siužetų selektyvumo, susijusio su istorijos perrašinėjimo procesais, klausimai. Istorinė dailė atskleidžiama kaip atminimo kultūros dalis ir aktyvi konstruojamo nacionalinio naratyvo dalyvė. [Anotacija knygoje]

ENThe visual, interpretive field of depiction of historical events has accompanied Lithuanian culture since the end of the 18th century and it is not only a topical issue of the past. Even today, historical memorable dates often become a pretext for the emergence of new artworks, and there is a lively debate in society about how to portray the past of one's nation, asking whether a representative prominent tone, a realistic imagination is necessary. Approaches to contemporary art offer a critical rethinking of established cliches of depictions of historical events and personalities, deromanticizing, demythologizing, and recontextualizing former depictions. However, such principles do not contribute to the support of the national myth. In the context of such considerations, there was a need to take a closer look at the more than 200-year-old tradition of depicting Lithuanian history, asking how important historical visual art was at the state level and how it related to the constructed national narratives? How did the themes of the depicted historical events change and what determined their selectivity? To what extent has this genre, traditionally considered conservative, succumbed to the influence of new art trends, tendencies, and formats? To what extent has it participated in the processes of rewriting history and, finally, what image do we have of the events of Lithuanian history?.Thus, this monograph seeks to evaluate the peculiarities of depicting the events of Lithuanian history in works of visual art, revealing their contextual meanings, the tendencies of development of this genre and its participation in the construction of the national narrative and the discourse of memory culture. The object of research focuses on works of professional visual art (paintings, sculptures, graphics, stained glass, textiles, metal and glass plastics), expanding this held to modern and contemporary art forms (assemblages, installation, etc.), in which the polit ical events of Lithuanian history are visually rethought. It was the depiction of events as changes of state significance, as political decisions that determine changes in the life of the country and people, that became the starting point for selecting works and constructing the content of the book. In the definition of an object, it is important to mention the boundaries of the period attributed to historical events. In this case, the beginning of the 13th century was chosen as the beginning of the formation of the Lithuanian state, following its development to the present day.The starting point of the researched works of art is considered to be the Enlightenment epoch, which presented the first deliberately considered works of historical content, in which not a chronic fixation of events but their interpretation and critical evaluation reveals the level of historical consciousness of the artist and his time. The study is further developed in a chronological sequence of historical periods. The development of visual ization of Lithuanian historical events is analyzed during the stages of the Republic of Lithuania (1918 1940), World War II and post-war (1940 1956), the Soviet era (1956 1987) and the Rebirth (1988 1991). The legacy of artists who worked in the diaspora (1946 1991) is also unforgettable. The research ends in our time, actualizing the historical experiences of the Lithuanian nation with new forms of artistic expression. Such structuring of the book content was determined by the desire to reveal the development tendencies of this genre in Lithuania, and the specifics of the research object obliged to form a relationship with the chronology of historical periods, the prevailing political powers that influenced both works and artistic decisions. [...]. [From the publication]

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