Savižudybės tema Lietuvos kine 1991-2018 m.

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Savižudybės tema Lietuvos kine 1991-2018 m
Alternative Title:
Thematics of suicide in Lithuanian cinema 1991-2018
In the Journal:
Ars et praxis. 2020, 8, p. 93-104
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojami savižudybę lemiantys veiksniai bei aptariamas savižudybės vaizdavimas vaidybiniuose lietuvių režisierių filmuose, sukurtuose po Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo 1991–2018 metais. Tyrimui atrinkti tik tie minėto laikotarpio ilgametražiai vaidybiniai filmai, kuriuose nusižudo pagrindinis veikėjas. Analizuojama, kokius savižudybių vaizdavimo modelius, personažų charakteristikas ir siužetus rinkosi režisieriai. Vaidybinis filmas kaip tam tikras epochos dokumentas gali suteikti žinių apie suicido reiškinio psichosocialinį ir sociokultūrinį kontekstą, o filmuose dažnai pateikiamos mažiau ar daugiau išbaigtos personažų raidos istorijos galėtų paskatinti savižudybės motyvų apmąstymą, aptarimą, suvokimą ir galbūt prisidėti prie savižudybių prevencijos. [Iš leidinio]

ENSuicide is a complex problem which does not yield a single reason or explanation. It is typically caused by a combination of biological, psychological, cultural and social factors. Feature films, as a certain document of the epoch they represent, can provide insight into the psychosocial and sociocultural context of the suicide phenomenon, whereas more or less complete stories of film character development may lead to a reflection on and perception of suicidal motives. The article provides a list of Lithuanian full-length feature films, in which the main character commits suicide and which were produced after the restoration of independence in Lithuania, in the years 1991–2018. It was precisely in this transitional period that the highest suicide rates were recorded in Lithuania. What models of suicide representation, character profiles and plots were chosen by directors in those years? Drawing on the findings of research into the suicide phenomenon in Lithuania and employing Stack & Bowman‘s comparison of suicide motives in American and British films, the article provides a brief analysis of eight selected Lithuanian films: Džiazas/Jazz (1992) directed by Raimundas Banionis, Žaibo nušviesti/Hit by Lightning (1995) directed by Algimantas Puipa, Kiemas/Courtyard (1999) directed by Valdas Navasaitis, Nuodėmės užkalbėjimas/Whisper of Sin (2007) directed by Puipa, Narcizas/Narcissus (2012) directed by Dovilė Gasiūnaitė, Lošėjas/The Gambler (2013) directed by Ignas Jonynas, Edeno sodas/ Garden of Eden (2015) directed by Puipa and Išgyventi vasarą/Summer Survivors (2018) directed by Marija Kavtaradzė.It also presents a discussion of changes in suicide representation in Lithuanian feature films produced during 28 years of independence. The analysis of suicide representation in the aforementioned Lithuanian films corroborates the presumption made in research on suicide in Lithuania and its high rate that Lithuanian society is affected by the post traumatic experience incurred through its turbulant past. The analysis of suicide representation in Lithuanian films as well as an exhaustive list of Lithuanian films related to the topic may prove handy for psychologists and suicidologists in their case studies as well as film researchers. [From the publication]

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