Valstybės teatro istorijos fragmentas: G. Verdi operos "Aida" pastatymas su K. Petrausku, V. Grigaitiene, V. Jonuškaite

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Valstybės teatro istorijos fragmentas: G. Verdi operos "Aida" pastatymas su K. Petrausku, V. Grigaitiene, V. Jonuškaite
Alternative Title:
Fragment from the history of the State Theatre: the production of Verdi's opera "Aida" featuring K. Petrauskas, V. Grigaitienė, and V. Jonuškaitė
In the Journal:
Ars et praxis. 2020, 8, p. 13-27
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamas 1927 m. G. Verdi operos „Aida“ pastatymas Kauno Valstybės teatre. Remiantis pirminiais šaltiniais – operos premjerinių spektaklių recenzijomis, kita to meto periodinėje spaudoje skelbta aktualia informacija, solistų balso įrašais, siekiama atskleisti pastatymo išskirtinės sėkmės priežastis ir jo reikšmę. Tam tikslui aptariamos G. Verdi operos „Aida“ pastatymo prielaidos ir aplinkybės, premjeriniai spektakliai, gilinamasi į pagrindinių vaidmenų interpretacijas. Taikomi istorinis analitinis, audicinės analizės, lyginamosios analizės metodai. [Iš leidinio]

ENIn the autumn of 1927, Kaunas saw what became a significant event in the cultural life of the interwar Lithuania – the State Theatre’s production of "Aida", an opera by Giuseppe Verdi. It was an astounding creative endeavour of the company, winning universal acclaim. Premiere reviews suggest that it was the first time in the seven-year existence of the national opera theatre that a production had achieved this level of smoothness and harmony of all opera elements. Critics emphasized the sophistication, precision, and subtlety of Mykolas Bukša, the conductor. Directing on the part of Nikolay Tikhomirov was simple, yet very effective. He managed to marry singing and acting. The theatrical scenography by a famous Latvian artist Ludolfs Liberts served as a perfect background for the opera. Modern scenery and costumes made in the oriental colour palette were in close harmony with the music of the opera. The role of Radames was played by Kipras Petrauskas, a lyric tenor, which is very rare. He captured both the lyric and the dramatic side of the character perfectly. He achieved the dramatic effect through excellent acting and contrasts in vocal expression, rather than with vocal power. Aida performed by Vladislava Grigaitienė was striking and psychologically nuanced. Amneris, performed by Vincė Jonuškaitė, was interesting and original. The soloists’ vocals sounded impeccable. The high quality of the production was testimony of the artists’ talent and maturity, and their skills to perform Verdi’s complex work just as well as European theatres with their years-long traditions of opera performance. With this firm foundation in place, the young Lithuanian Opera embarked on a new stage in its development. [From the publication]

2022-11-03 18:54:39
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