Vaiko balso reikšmė vaiko ir šeimos gerovės politikos ir jos įgyvendinimo kontekste

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vaiko balso reikšmė vaiko ir šeimos gerovės politikos ir jos įgyvendinimo kontekste
Alternative Title:
Importance of a child voice in a child and family welfare
In the Journal:
Socialinis darbas. Patirtis ir metodai [Social Work. Experience and Methods]. 2021, 27, p. 9-32
Summary / Abstract:

LTAutoriai straipsnyje analizuoja vaiko balso diskursą tarptautiniuose, nacionaliniuose dokumentuose bei atlieka mokslinės literatūros analizę, siekdami diskutuoti vaiko balso reikšmę ir raiškos galimybes socialinio darbo praktikoje. Empirinėje straipsnio dalyje skaitytojai galės išgirsti ir įsiklausyti į vaiko balsą, kuris atveria jautrias vaikų patirtis. Reikšminiai žodžiai: vaiko balsas, vaiko teisės, teisė būti išgirstam, vaiko patirtis. [Iš leidinio]

ENResearch and practice in foreign countries discus about the problematic areas of hearing a child‘s voice, especially, focusing on barriers to hearing a child‘s voice in the child‘s usual areas of life, as well as in social work practice. The aim of this article is to discuss the meaning of the child‘s voice based on the research of foreign authors and the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, creating preconditions for maximizing the child‘s opportunities to be heard in Lithuanian social work practice. The phenomenological interview method based on Bevan (2014) was applied to data collection and analysis. Phenomenological research has traditionally sought to shed light on a phenomenon as perceived by actors in specific situations. The study involved four children aged 10–15 years, who were invited to share their wishes, dreams and experiences by expressing their opinions. Lithuanian legal documents regulate and guarantee the child‘s right to be heard and provide for the practice of how the child‘s voice must be heard in all situations related to the child. The Convention‘s debating statement that the child‘s voice must be heard „in accordance with his or her age and maturity“ recognizes that every child has the ability to express his or her views and that every child has the right to express them. Children associate their happiness with a second social network that includes friends and classmates, which is typical for adolescence. The research data reveal that children’s desires and dreams are not somewhat childish, but more typical of adults. The results of the study revealed that children tend not to express their opinions to adults. They are hampered by fears of the consequences that the solutions they propose could make the situation worse. The children in the study were even surprised that their opinions could be important and even asked.This suggests a predominance of adult discrimination practices against children when decisions about a child‘s life are made by adults (Stafford et al., 2021). Keywords: child’s voice, the rights of the child, right to be heard, child’s experience. [From the publication]

2029-0470; 2029-5820
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2022-11-03 07:58:10
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