Lietuvos kariuomenės karo policija

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos kariuomenės karo policija
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian armed forces military police
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvos Respublikos krašto apsaugos ministerija, 2021.
328 p
Bibliografija ir asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Įvadas — I. Karo policija 1919–1940 metais: Karo policijos steigimo aktualumas ir tarnybos kūrimas; Institucijos struktūra ir personalo sudėtis; Mokymas ir karinis rengimas; Drausmė; Uždaviniai ir funkcijos; Laisvalaikis ir institucijos reprezentavimas; Likvidavimas — II. Karo policijos atkūrimas: Karinės drausmės ir tvarkos palaikymas atkūrus Lietuvos nepriklausomybę; Karo policijos veiklos teisinis reglamentavimas; Karo policijos atkūrimas; Institucijos struktūra ir personalo sudėtis; Mokymas ir karinis rengimas; Uždaviniai ir funkcijos; Laisvalaikis ir institucijos reprezentavimas — III. Karo policijos simbolika: Įkurtos Karo policijos simbolika; Atkurtos Karo policijos simbolika — IV. Karo policijos ginkluotė: Įkurtos Karo policijos ginklai; Atkurtos Karo policijos ginklai ir specialiosios priemonės —V. Karo policijos viršininkai (vadai): Įkurtos Karo policijos viršininkai; Atkurtos Karo policijos vadai — Apibendrinimas — Summary — Priedai — Atsiminimai — Kronika — Santrumpos — Šaltiniai ir literatūra — Asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTKiekvienas pilietinėje visuomenėje gyvenantis asmuo turėtų būti susipažinęs su savo valstybės ir kariuomenės kūrimosi ir raidos istorija. Kiekvienas karys – nesvarbu, ar jis rezervo, atsargos, dimisijos, profesinės karo tarnybos, nuolatinės privalomosios pradinės karo tarnybos ar savanorių karo tarnybos karys, – civilis asmuo ar karys, dalyvaujantis jaunesniųjų karininkų vadų mokymuose, kariūnas, studijuojantis Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademijoje, kas jis bebūtų – kadetas, kareivis, puskarininkis ar karininkas, valstybės tarnautojas ar asmuo, dirbantis pagal darbo sutartį, – visi turėtų būti susipažinę su mokymosi įstaigos ar karinio vieneto, kuriame tarnauja (tarnavo), dirba (dirbo), mokosi (mokėsi) ar stažuojasi (stažavosi), istorija. Tokios istorijos žinios skatina pasididžiavimą savo institucija, sukuria vienybės jausmą ir tapatumą. Monografijoje - Lietuvos kariuomenės Karo policija, aprašoma, kokia Karo policija buvo XX a. ir kokia yra XXI a. Iliustracijomis ir tekstu siekiama pristatyti pagrindinius Karo policijos istorinės raidos aspektus, įvertinti Karo policijos raidą, užpildyti spragas ir suteikti žinių skaitytojams apie šią karinę teisėsaugos instituciją. Leidinio autorius viliasi, kad pateikta Karo policijos istorija neliks nesuprasta ir pamiršta, bet bus perskaityta ir tinkamai pritaikyta. [Leidėjo anotacija]

ENThe state cannot exist without the armed forces that guarantee the independence and sovereignty of the state. Meanwhile, the armed forces cannot properly perform the tasks and functions assigned to them without an institution that maintains military discipline and order. Discipline – is the official obedience of a soldier, when he should always be ready to sacrifice his life without hesitation when the need arises. The aim of the monograph is to reveal the development of the Military Police, taking into account the circumstances of the emergence of the law enforcement institution, structural changes and essential features of its functioning. The publication is relevant to people investigating law enforcement institutions, interested in the history of Lithuanian Armed Forces and separate military units. The monograph consists of five parts. The first part of the monograph covers the period from 15 March 1919, when the Military Police were established, until autumn of 1940, when they were liquidated. The first part of the monograph begins with the analysis of the circumstances which influenced the formation of the Military Police. The study of historical sources reveals the relevance of the establishment of the service, the structure and staff composition of the institution, the teaching process and military training, discipline, tasks and functions, leisure activities and the representation of the institution. The first part of the monograph concludes with the discussion of the circumstances of the liquidation of the Military Police. All collected material is being analyzed and described. The second part of the monograph covers the period after 1990, when Lithuania’s independence and the armed forces were restored. It focuses on the first attempts to ensure military discipline and order in military territories and the armed forces.In order to restore the Military Police, it was necessary to regulate its activities properly, therefore the second part discusses the legal regulations of the activities of the Military Police. Further, the analysis of the Military Police, restored on 22 October, 1998 is being carried out. The focus is on defining the institutional structure and its staff, the process of teaching and military training of the Military Police officers, the tasks of the institution and the functions performed. The second part of the monograph concludes with presenting the leisure time activities of the restored Military Police officers and the representation of the institution. An overview and analysis of the primary sources provide a better understanding of the nature of the activities of the restored Military Police. These documents are being condensed, systematized and discussed.In order to restore the Military Police, it was necessary to regulate its activities properly, therefore the second part discusses the legal regulations of the activities of the Military Police. Further, the analysis of the Military Police, restored on 22 October, 1998 is being carried out. The focus is on defining the institutional structure and its staff, the process of teaching and military training of the Military Police officers, the tasks of the institution and the functions performed. The second part of the monograph concludes with presenting the leisure time activities of the restored Military Police officers and the representation of the institution. An overview and analysis of the primary sources provide a better understanding of the nature of the activities of the restored Military Police. These documents are being condensed, systematized and discussed.The third part of the monograph presents the symbolism of the established and restored Military Police. According to the archival sources, numerous symbols of the established Military Police, such as uniforms, service insignia (epaulettes, aiguillettes and initials) as well as military equipment are introduced in this part. In addition to the above mentioned elements of symbolism, the attributes of the restored Military Police also presented here are badges, berets and their insignia (e.g. cockades), vests, armbands, a combat flag of the military unit, transport, etc. The fourth part of the monograph presents the armament of the established and restored Military Police. The weapons of the established Military Police displayed in this part range from light weapons, such as pistols, rifles and light machine guns to heavy weapons, such as heavy machine guns and an anti-tank cannon. The tactical-technical data of weapons are featured in this part as well. The same weapon presenting procedure was followed when introducing the weapons of the restored Military Police. Alongside weapons, some items of special equipment used then and/or now are presented here as well. The fifth part of the monograph refers to the biographical data of the commanders (chiefs) of the established and restored Military Police. During the interwar period, the Military Police were headed by nine officers, eight of which were from the Military Militia (Police) School. On 14 July, 2021 Lt Col Raimondas Ivanauskas was appointed the sixth commander of restored Military Police. The historical value of the monograph has been enriched with the collected and hitherto unpublished memoirs of witnesses, an accurate chronicle, and an abundance of historical documents and photographs. [...]. [From the publication]

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