ENAll the countries in the world, to a greater or smaller extent, experienced the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their economies in 2020–21. Due to the pandemic, Lithuania, like other countries’ welfare states, have faced new challenges in managing the impact caused by the health crisis. A tremendous burden was imposed upon the healthcare system, and a number of economic activities were also affected by operational restrictions and lockdown restrictions. The need for social protection is greatly enhanced in the context of various social crises. We are witnessing growing public support for increased funding for social protection to a wider range of beneficiaries. In addition, national governments are expected to provide protection in the event of unemployment, illness, provide an effective response to the challenges posed by various social crises, and to offer the population an adequate package of measures. Even though the COVID 19 pandemic is not over, an assessment of the impact and measures applied is crucial for the sustainability and effectiveness of the welfare state. This article aims to study policies targeted to mitigate the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on income and employment and their subjective assessment by the Lithuanian population. The research also seeks to understand the perceptions of the population about universal social policies, which, in the context of Lithuania, are considered as a more radical policy alternative. [...]. [Extract, p. 119]