Logistinė kapitalo valdymo teorija: determinuotieji metodai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Logistinė kapitalo valdymo teorija: determinuotieji metodai
Alternative Title:
Logistic theory of the capital management: deterministic methods
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2006.
230 p
Įžanga — 1. ĮPRASTOSIOS PALŪKANOS: 1.1. Procentai; bendroji dalis; 1.2. Paprastieji procentai; 1.3. Laiko veiksnys. Sudėtiniai, arba kaupiamieji, procentai; 1.4. Nuolatinis eksponentinis kitimas; 1.5. Ekvivalenčioji palūkanų norma; 1.6. Diskontavimas pagal sudėtinius procentus; 1.7. Ekvivalentumo lygtis — 2. PINIGŲ SRAUTAI: 2.1. Sąvokos ir apibrėžimai; 2.2. Ilgalaikių paskolų padengimas pastoviaisiais anuitetais; 2.3. Keli padengimai pastoviaisiais anuitetais per laiko vienetą; 2.4. Kintamieji anuitetai; 2.5. Anuitetų apvalinimas; 2.6. Rentos apskaičiavimas — 3. KAPITALO KAUPIMO MODELIŲ APŽVALGA: 3.1. Ekonominiai modeliai; 3.2. Eksponentinis modelis; 3.3. Logistinis augimas; 3.4. Endogeniniai modeliai; 3.5. Ekonominis augimas esant ribotiems ištekliams; 3.6. Populiacijos dinamikos modeliai — 4. LOGISTINĖS PALŪKANOS: 4.1. Tiesinis ir eksponentinis kapitalo kaupimas;; 4.2. Logistinis (ribinis) kapitalo augimas; 4.3. Logistinė dabartinė vertė; 4.4. Ekvivalenčioji palūkanų norma; 4.5. Ribinių kaupimo modelių taikymas; 4.6. Regresijos koeficientų nustatymas; 4.7. Logistiniai rekurentiniai ryšiai; 4.8. Kapitalo kaupimas esant keliems perskaičiavimams per vieną laiko vienetą; 4.9. Logistinis diskontavimas esant keliems perskaičiavimams per vieną laiko vienetą —5. LOGISTINIAI DETERMINUOTIEJI PINIGŲ SRAUTAI. LOGISTINĖS PALŪKANOS: 5.1. Logistinė vertės lygtis; 5.2. Logistiniai anuitetai; 5.3. Anuitetinis paskolų padengimas; 5.4. Logistinė renta; 5.5. Investicijų vertinimas; 5.6. Logistinis investicijų vertinimas; 5.7. Apibendrintasis populiacijos būsenų modelis; auganti ir nykstanti būsena; 5.8. Logistinis modifikuotosios vidinės pelno normos metodas — 6. LOGISTINIAI DRAUDIMO ANUITETAI: 6.1. Gyvenimo trukmės funkcija; 6.2. Gyvybės draudimas. Tam tikro amžiaus sulaukimo draudimas; 6.3. Pensijų draudimas. Pensijų tarifų skaičiavimas; 6.4. Draudimas mirties atveju; 6.5. Mišrusis gyvybės draudimas — 7. DETERMINUOTOJI INVESTAVIMO RIZIKA: 7.1. Finansinių piramidžių modeliai; 7.2. Sukauptųjų pinigų vertės priklausomybė nuo laiko ir išmokamų procentų normos. Pinigų srauto nariai pastovaus dydžio; 7.3. Finansinės piramidės su kintamaisiais pinigų srauto nariais — Svarbiausi teiginiai ir išvados - Summary — Literatūra.
Summary / Abstract:

LTMonografijoje dėstomi pagrindiniai originalios logistinės kapitalo valdymo teorijos principai. Kapitalo valdymas esant ribotiems jo ištekliams leidžia tiksliau ir teisingiau apskaičiuoti kai kurias finansines operacijas, sumažinti neteisingų sprendimų galimybę. Knygoje parodoma, kad logistinė teorija leidžia atlikti visas įprastas finansines operacijas: apskaičiuoti palūkanas, diskontuoti vertines išraiškas, nustatyti dabartines ir būsimąsias pinigų vertes, apskaičiuoti anuitetus, rentas ir kt. Išskirtinis dėmesys knygoje sutelkiamas į logistinį pinigų srautų valdymą, investicinių projektų vertinimą, draudimo tarifų skaičiavimą, finansinių piramidžių stabilumo modeliavimą. Pateikiamas matematinis modelis, paaiškinantis kainų burbulų formavimosi mechanizmą. Skiriama mokslo darbuotojams, besidomintiems kiekybiniais finansinių operacijų metodais, taip pat universitetų studentams: magistrantams ir doktorantams, studijuojantiems finansus, ekonomiką ar verslo vadybą, informacinių technologijų taikymą. Ji pravarti ir verslo praktikams, besidomintiems racionaliu investicijų naudojimu ar determinuotos finansinės rizikos vertinimu. [Anotacija knygoje]

ENThe monograph extends the main principles of the original theory invented by the author. It reveals that, by the solutions based on the logistic limit model of the population evolution, the system is consistent and forms a self-contained theory. The logistic theory of the capital management is based on the chief principles developed in the classical theory of finance. Actually, the exponential development, i. e. the rule of compound interest, serves as a foundation in the classical theory of finance. However, in the logistic theory, there operates the logistic function of the limited growth (i. e. logistic function). The investigation has demonstrated that, in a newly invented logistic theory, the unanimous system of scientific statements, calculations and estimations is retained thus allowing for the calculation of interest, the discounting of value expressions, the determination of the present and future monetary values, the management of money currents, the calculation of annuities and other rents, the estimation of investment projects, etc. Although in it the calculations are more complicated and completely possible solely with the use of information technologies, yet the results achieved on the basis of the logistic theory are more accurate and more reliable. To say more, the application of the logistic theory offers qualitatively new results. The employment of the logistic discount of money currents has resulted in the discovery of a new phenomenon that explains a sequence of existing yet unstudied manifestations both in economics and in the other spheres of human activity. For instance, one of such manifestations, i.e. the formation of the socalled price bubbles, may be explained by the logistic theory as the result of the increase of the system’s efficiency when approaching the limit of the adequate supplies.The monograph consists of an introduction, six sections, and bibliography. Section 1 and Section 2 are devoted to the analysis of the classical issues of the theory of the quantitative finance management as well as to the substantiation of the scantiness of their possibilities. The exhaustive analysis of the interest models, rate equivalence, the solution of the value equation, money currents, the calculation principles of annuities and others rents allows for the fruitful evaluation of the similarities and differences between the logistic and the classical theories and understanding of the advantages and drawbacks of the new theory. Section 3 offers a discussion of the possibilities of the modern capital management theories and their limits. Section 4 and Section 5 should be regarded as the kernel ones. They focus on the disclosure of the advantages (as well as drawbacks) of the logistic theory and the possibilities of its application. Actually, its chief drawback is its complexity when compared with the classical theory. However, practically speaking, the employment of information technologies makes it rather insignificant. Section 4 extends an improved (i. e. modified) logistic model of increase. It includes the modified coefficients and turns out to be the most general model among the population increase models of such a type. [...] Section 5 presents the logistic analysis of the determined money currents. The solution of the logistic value equation evokes the confrontation with the following problem: direct and reverse solutions offer different results. However, it comes to light that the mentioned quality turns out to be a distinctive feature of the logistic function. Here the author discusses the specificity of the logistic annuities and the defray of expenses.The focus is on the regular annuities. The investigation of the logistic rents embraces the annual, terminable, and uninterrupted rents. In fact, the estimation of investments makes the kernel both of the section and to some extent of the whole book. The analysis of the general investment estimation methods leads to the discussion of the logistic methods of clear present value, internal rate of return, and of modified internal rate of return. The analysis allows for the extension of the generalized model of the population conditions, which demonstrates the specific qualities of the growing as well as declining conditions. The declining evolution of the population reveals enormous efficiency operating under the unlimited conditions. The investigation of the growing evolution has disclosed the increase of efficiency when approaching the supply limit. The monograph also offers the insight into the formation of the so-called price bubbles. The reason of the mentioned phenomenon is found in the alterations of the system that take place due to the scantiness of the suplies. This conclusion has been arrived at on the basis of the analysis of the money currents’ logistic clear present value and of the internal rate of return. The author claims that, obviously, the specific behaviour of the prices is not a sole and single phenomenon in the natural world. Therefore the so-called second breath discovered in the evolution of the living organisms as well as other similar phenomena may offer assumptions for a new insight, according to which, the rapidity of increase at the exhaustion of supplies turns out to be an objective natural law. Section 6 is devoted to the exploration of the investment risk. It focuses on the discussion of the specific topic, i.e. the models of the financial pyramids as a particular case of the price bubbles. [...]. [From the publication]

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