Lietuvos karinio laivyno ir Lietuvos kariuomenės karinių jūrų pajėgų kontingentai, veikla ir tradicijos: lyginamasis aspektas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos karinio laivyno ir Lietuvos kariuomenės karinių jūrų pajėgų kontingentai, veikla ir tradicijos: lyginamasis aspektas
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian navy in the Interwar and post-1990 periods: comparison of its personnel, activities and traditions
In the Journal:
Karo archyvas. 2022, 37, p. 158-261
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio tikslas – atliekant Lietuvos karinio laivyno jūrinio kontingento pasirengimo lygio, veiklos ir tradicijų analizę, lyginimą su to meto kaimyninių šalių ir šiandieninio laivyno karių parengimu, nustatyti, kokia buvo ir yra šio kontingento kokybė ir tarnybos motyvacija. Tarpukario Lietuvos laivyno kario kokybinio vertinimo problematika pirmiausia yra susijusi su jūrininko visuomeninio statuso sampratos genezės analize. Todėl straipsnyje nagrinėjamą problematiką galima apibūdinti keliais aspektais keliant šiuos klausimus: kokia buvo jūrų karininko kaip lyderio ir jaunų karių mokytojo samprata tarpukario Lietuvoje, kokią įtaką tai turėjo tarnybai ir sprendimų priėmimui, kaip atsispindėjo viešojoje erdvėje? Kokios buvo jo mokymosi galimybės, palyginti su kaimyninių valstybių karininkų galimybėmis? Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos karių dalykinės (profesinės) ir moralinės (vertybinės, dorovinės) kompetencijos, gilinamasi į laivyno užduotis ir galimų priešų spektrą, analizuojamos jūrinės tradicijos, kurios buvo vienos svarbiausių karius motyvuojančių veiksnių, verčiančių didžiuotis savo profesija visuomenėje. Straipsnio chronologinės ribos apima du laikotarpius. Pirmasis laikotarpis – nuo nepriklausomos Lietuvos kariuomenės sukūrimo, kai kilo poreikis turėti tinkamai parengtų jūrinių specialybių specialistų ir patiems juos rengti, iki 1940 m. birželio mėn., kai buvo įvykdyta sovietinė okupacija, o Lietuvos karinis laivynas likviduotas ir atiteko Sovietų Sąjungai. Antrasis laikotarpis apima Lietuvos karinio laivyno kūrimo pradžią nuo 1992 m. liepos 4 d. (kai Aukščiausioji Taryba-Atkuriamasis Seimas Pakrančių apsaugos rinktinei ir Atskirojo laivų diviziono laivams iškilmingai įteikė naujo pavyzdžio karo laivų vėliavas) iki mūsų dienų. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe purpose of the article is to determine the quality and motivation for service of the interwar naval personnel. This is achieved through the analysis of the personnel preparation level, the scope of activities and traditions, supported by comparison with interwar navies of neighbouring nations: Estonia, Latvia and Poland, as well as contemporary Lithuanian Navy personnel. The main objectives of the research are outlined as follows: 1. to analyse the professional and military preparedness of personnel of the interwar navy, available training opportunities drawing a comparison with the neighbouring nations and the personnel of modern navies, and to evaluate the abilities of the military personnel to render resistance. 2. to research and compare the nuances of navy establishment and reestablishment, its activities, the daily life of naval personnel and servicerelated challenges, and reveal the threats the interwar fleet had been facing drawing a comparison with the contemporary realities. 3. to examine the symbols, insignia, and traditions of the interwar navy and their current continuity, as well as to determine their motivating potential. The chronological boundaries of the study cover two periods: from 1918 (Declaration of Independence of Lithuania) until 1940 (Soviet occupation) and since 1992 (re-established navy) up to this day. The first chapter consists of three subsections, which compare the professional competence of interwar naval personnel with their Estonian, Latvian and Polish counterparts, their professional development opportunities and the current preparation of navy personnel. The second chapter consists of three subsections, focusing on the matters of Navy establishment and reestablishment, service routines and the comparison of threats and challenges with present realities.The third chapter consists of two subsections and concentrates on the analysis of the genesis and change of maritime insignia and symbols, proving the necessity of continuity of maritime traditions inherited from the interwar Navy. The study resulted in the following conclusions: The maritime dimension had been playing a fragmented role in Lithuanian interwar life, and the Navy was needed just as much as it could contribute to economic benefits and bolster statehood. Although illiterate persons did not serve on a warship due to the strict selection process, in 1935 Lithuanian did not possess a specialist training centre for the established Navy. The officer corps of the Navy Ship ‘Prezidentas Smetona’ was well educated since they gained education and received internships abroad. Meanwhile, non-commissioned officers and sailors were trained according to the training programme developed by the ship’s commanding officer A. Kaškelis, since there were no other training alternatives available. In Estonia, the Maritime School also operated for only a few years (1920–1923). However, the Seamanship Course was taught at the Military Academy, which expanded the opportunities for Estonians to train naval personnel, although the training of these specialists was very limited. Estonians sent their officers to study abroad, similar to Lithuanians and Latvians. In 1935 Latvia established a Military Training Center, which also trained specialists for the Navy. In Poland, the system of naval schools has been functioning since 1921, providing officer training up to this day. In comparison with neighbouring countries, the training of naval personnel in Lithuania was the weakest. It has to be observed that the competencies pursued by both the interwar and contemporary naval personnel are similar: leadership, technical competence, professionalism, good reputation, loyalty, constant communication, a sense of heritage, responsibility, integrity, and perseverance.Moral authority and educated personality, both during the interwar period and now, place the interests of the state above the instincts of self-preservation. The narrative prevailed in the interwar press highlighted the notion that the state needed to be supported in the economic field rather than in conflict planning, and military doctrine foresaw defence by retreating into the depths of the country rather than proceeding to the border. The establishment and restoration of the Navy were best served by the public figures. Government support was very limited, indicating that there was no clear maritime policy at the time, and a pacifistic attitude mostly prevailed. Neighbouring Estonia and Poland established their navies in 1918, Latvia in 1919, and Lithuania in 1935. The development of the navy is directly influenced by potential adversaries, which are developing and growing rapidly, on the economic development of the country, ambitions of the state and its military leadership. The interwar Navy was very weak compared with the number of warships and armaments possessed by the neighbours. The geopolitical situation has united the Baltic nations to carry out NATO collective defence tasks in the maritime domain. An efficient fleet must operate following the ‘cost and effect’ criterion. If the necessary equipment, armaments and personnel complement each other in order to compensate for the shortcomings, then the Navy can be considered balanced. Lithuanian Navy develops following this very principle. There was no awareness of cultural traditions in the interwar Navy as had been the case with the Dutch, Scandinavians, or British. Adoption of traditions is an approach allowing us to reach the spirit of the earlier existing Navy. It can be seen as a very useful and valuable experience in educating today’s generation of sailors. [...]. [From the publication]

1392-6489; 2424-6123
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