Matematika, kalba, poezija: sąveikos ir traukos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Matematika, kalba, poezija: sąveikos ir traukos
Alternative Title:
Mathematics, language, poetry: interactions and attractions
In the Journal:
Acta linguistica Lithuanica. 2022, t. 86, p. 227-257
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje tyrinėjamos dviejų iš pažinimo sričių (matematikos, kalbos, poezijos) sankirtoje esančios struktūros, kurios implikuoja netrivialias išvadas trečiajai jų. Pavyzdžiui, nagrinėjama, kaip kūrybiškai interpretuoti lietuvišką tekstą, parašytą laikantis griežtų matematinių ir gramatinių taisyklių. Toliau, remiantis matematika, atskleidžiama tercinų formos šerdis, tuo pačiu šis poetinis Dantės išradimas leidžia formuluoti teorinį (ir keliais atvejais praktinį) uždavinį. Straipsnyje taip pat aptariamos prielaidos, nulemiančios, kada kelių disciplinų sąveikos yra (ar gali būti) vaisingos. [Iš leidinio]

ENThis text is the third in a series of four texts devoted to various aspects of poetic language. The aim of this part is to present a few constructions where the interaction of two domains of creativity occurs (two out of poetry, language or mathematics), which a posteriori has a nontrivial intersection with the remaining domain. In our opinion, this is the instance where interdisciplinarity is truly fertile. Generally, this is not the case. Dealing with questions of quality in bidiscilinary art or science, our main standpoints are as follows. First, both domains should participate in an interaction on the comparable level of sophistication, each of the subjects being not subordinate to the laws of the other. As a non-example, most books on music and mathematics are written by mathematicians with a natural-scientific attitude. To make our case more substantial, we examine the book devoted to concrete poetry, finding both fruitful and artificial examples. Second (this brings a human dimension to the subject), we postulate that the legacy of any great artist should be considered not in isolation but in its entirety. This means the following: the area of distinction and the area of (a conditional) amateurism should not be separated from one another. The examples include the mathematical writings of Daniil Kharms, or the treatise in optics Zur Farbenlehre by Goethe. We examine the book Antanas Baranauskas and mathematics by Jonas Kubilius more thoroughly. Baranauskas was a poet who also worked extensively in the fields of homiletics, dialectology, orthography, terminology, and mathematics. However, Baranauskas’ output in the latter is investigated by Kubilius purely from a professional point of view. Qualitative judgements are generally correct.However, if we take into account that a part of Baranauskas’ mathematical work is integrated into his philosophical and theological treatises, it is natural to hope for a much more ambitious immersion in the mathematical legacy of Baranauskas. We further propose several interactions of mathematics-language-poetry, which, hopefully, have the needed qualities. We explore terza rima, the poetic invention by Dante, and find its core. This leads to the definitions of simple, minimal, normalized, and, correspondingly, canonical Q-tines. The latter is a straightforward generalization of Dante’s form. Now we can prove the following result: for every odd positive integer Q, canonical Q-tine is unique. The construction, however, does not take into account any particular language. If we do so for Q = 5, it emerges that a smooth flow of the text requires such a pentastich to possess few incomplete lines (hendecasyllabic iamb is an exception). Since the interval of two unstressed syllables is the most frequent in spoken Lithuanian, it is natural to write 5-tines in a dactylic meter. The example of two such strophes is presented. As a further example of fruitful bidisciplinary interaction, we propose the linguistic analogue of roots of unity. We finish the paper with presenting an improved method for a mnemonic technique. The standard procedure uses poetry, but the encoding itself employs only rudimentary arithmetics. Our method, however, uses also check digit algorithm. When developed in full, the method may reveal interesting facts in the field of computational linguistics. [From the publication]

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