Apie Kiprijono Lukausko surašyto "Pamoksło Isz Prisakimu Diewa [...]" (1797) atitiktį Karolio Fabiani "Missyi Apostolskiey Część II" (1783) tekstams

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Apie Kiprijono Lukausko surašyto "Pamoksło Isz Prisakimu Diewa [...]" (1797) atitiktį Karolio Fabiani "Missyi Apostolskiey Część II" (1783) tekstams
Alternative Title:
On the correspondence between "Pamoksłas Isz Prisakimu Diewa [...]" (1797) by Kiprijonas Lukauskas and the texts from the book "Missyi Apostolskiey Część II" (1783) by Karol Fabiani
In the Journal:
Acta linguistica Lithuanica. 2022, t. 86, p. 68-88
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariama iki šiol originalios kilmės darbu laikytų Kiprijono Lukausko (1757–1815) "Pamokslų" (Karaciejus, par., 1996) struktūra ir paaiškėjusi dalies šio rankraščio tekstų turinio autorystė. Pagrindinės šio rankraščio dalies, turinčios antraštę "Pamoksłas Isz Prisakimu Diewa Ape Pawinascias Giwenima Krikscioniska [...]" (I–II; 1–310 p.), atitiktis Karolio Fabiani knygos "MISSYI APOSTOLSKIEY CZĘŚĆ II. w ktorey się przekładaią NAUKI z przykazan boskich o powinnosciach zycia chrzescianskiego [...]" (1783) tekstams yra neabejotina. Kituose Lukausko rankraščio skyriuose surašytų tekstų (311–407 p.) autorystės lygmens klausimas lieka atviras. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article discusses the structure of "Pamokslai" by Kiprijonas Lukauskas (1757–1815) (Karaciejus, ed., 1996), which has been considered an original work until now, and the new authorship of some of the texts from this manuscript, which has recently come to light. The correspondence between the main part of the manuscript entitled "Pamoksłas Isz Prisakimu Diewa Ape Pawinascias Giwenima Krikscioniska [...]" (I–II; p. 1–310) and the texts from the book "MISSYI APOSTOLSKIEY CZĘŚĆ II. w ktorey się przekładaią NAUKI z przykazan boskich o powinnosciach zycia chrzescianskiego [...]" (1783) by Karol Fabiani is unquestionable. It is likely that the established link between an important part of the texts from Lukauskas’ manuscript and their Polish original will promote further research of this source, enabling us to see both the influence of the Polish original and the features specific to the text of this part. Perhaps it will also enable us to determine a different level of authorship of the transcript, translation and compilation in the other (p. 311–407) parts of the manuscript written by Lukauskas. [From the publication]

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