Zamach stanu na Litwie w 1926 r. i jego konstytucyjnoprawne następstwa. Petryfikacja systemu - konstytucja z 1938 r.

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Zamach stanu na Litwie w 1926 r. i jego konstytucyjnoprawne następstwa. Petryfikacja systemu - konstytucja z 1938 r
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian coup d’état in 1926 and its constitutional legal consequences. Petrification of the system - 1938 constitution
In the Journal:
Studia iuridica Toruniensia. 2018, 23, p. 73-90
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuva; Konstitucija; 1938 m.; Smetona; Vyriausybė; Teisinė sistema. Keywords: Lithuania; Constitution; 1938; Smetona; Government; Legal system.

ENThis article is the last of three published in the “Studia Iuridica Toruniensia” devoted to the coup d’état made in inter-war Lithuania and its constitutional consequences. The author presents in the article the last constitution of Lithuania in the interwar period, adopted in 1938. It was an attempt to legitimize the authoritarian system of power, whose beginning can be dated to the coup d’état in 1926. The author presents the system of government introduced by the constitution, including the competences of the most important state bodies. He draws attention to the extremely strong political position of the president, which was the actual dictator – Antanas Smetona. The most important similarities between the Lithuanian constitution and the Polish “April constitution” of 1935 are also presented. The author also evaluates the most important solutions introduced by the Lithuanian constitution and political practice. [From the publication]

1689-5258; 2391-7873
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