Aneksja Litwy przez ZSRR w roku 1940 jako element współczesnej dyskusji politycznej i prawnej

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Aneksja Litwy przez ZSRR w roku 1940 jako element współczesnej dyskusji politycznej i prawnej
Alternative Title:
Annexation of Lithuania by the USSR in 1940, as the element of a contemporary political and legal discussion
In the Journal:
Studia iuridica Toruniensia. 2014, 14, p. 81-102
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: SSSR; Lietuva; Aneksija. Keywords: USSR; Lithuania; Anexion.

ENThe author of the present article is concentrating on the issue of the significance of the Soviet invasion of Lithuania in 1940 for today’s Russian-Lithuanian relations. He is dealing above all with the problem of both sides arguments in the – lasting for years – historical and legal dispute, concerning on the issue of compensations demanded by Lithuania for the period of the Soviet occupation. He is presenting the issue of the “legality” of incorporating Lithuania into the USSR in 1940, the legitimacy of the use the term “occupation”, the history of Lithuanian claims, Polish participation in the dispute, as well as the opinion of the Russian side and counterarguments. Author also discusses a lot of issues associated with the recent political history of Lithuania, the constitutional law of interwar Lithuania, as well as the international law (related mainly with the aggression of Lithuania in 1940). [From the publication]

1689-5258; 2391-7873
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