Cepelinai ar zrazai? Gastronominio tapatumo grupės Lietuvoje 2020-aisiais

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Cepelinai ar zrazai? Gastronominio tapatumo grupės Lietuvoje 2020-aisiais
Alternative Title:
Zeppelins or zrazai? Gastronomic identity groups in Lithuania in 2020
In the Journal:
Būdas. 2021, Nr. 5 (200), p. 24-34
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiuolaikiniame viešajame diskurse (interneto žiniasklaidoje, socialiniuose tinkluose) jau kurį laiką aktyviai vyksta diskusijos apie gastronominį tapatumą ir tautinį paveldą. Tad ir šio tyrimo objektas — šiuolaikinės Lietuvos gyventojų gastronominis tapatumas. 2020-aisiais net 10 120 Lietuvos gyventojų užpildė Nacionalinio meniu anketas', kurių duomenys buvo išanalizuoti, pasitelkus klasterinės analizės metodą. Taip išskirtos 5 tapatumo grupės, kurių specifika šiame straipsnyje ir aptariama. Diskusijos dalyje pristatomos ir kitos galimos Lietuvos gyventojų gastronominio tapatumo grupės, nustatytos naudojant kitus tyrimo metodus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Gastronominė kultūra; Gastronominis tapatumas; Lietuvos virtuvė; Lietuviški patiekalai. Keywords: Gastronomic culture; Gastronomic identity; Lithuanian cuisine; Lithuanian dishes.

ENDiscussions about gastronomic identity and national heritage are among the most active in modern public discourse (online, social media) and are gaining popularity. This study is dedicated to the gastronomic identity of the population of modern Lithuania. It summarises the data of a 2020 survey, during which Lithuanians chose dishes from the proposed National Menu (a total of 10,120 completed questionnaires were analysed using a cluster analysis method). Theoretical access to the study - Yuri Lotman’s semiosphere theory. Conclusions: there are five identity groups distinguished by their choice of dishes: 1. People for whom food is fuel, they do not need a varied menu and focus on the lowest prices. 2. People who still do not have a variety in their daily menus, but are curiously looking for alternatives; 3. People doubting the existing tradition of Lithuanian cuisine and looking for a new Lithuanian gastronomic identity in ethnographic, historical estate, city, maybe even historical reconstruction kitchens; 4. People who are most affected by the standard of “Lithuanian dishes” formed by mass caterers during the Soviet period; 5. People whose identity was also greatly influenced by the standard of “Lithuanian dishes” communicated during the Soviet period, but also a more diverse Lithuanian peasant cuisine is important to them. The second part of the article discusses other possible gastronomic identity groups in Lithuania, which are recorded using other analysis methods. [From the publication]

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