Lietuvių policija 1941-1944 metais

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvių policija 1941-1944 metais
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras, 1998.
304 p
Bibliografija ir asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Įvadas — Pirmos Antrojo pasaulinio karo dienos Lietuvoje ir Lietuvos laikinosios vyriausybės sudarymas — Vokiečių civilinės valdžios struktūra — Lietuvių policijos struktūrų atkūrimas ir jų teisinis statusas — Policijos mokyklos — Lietuvių policijos batalionai ir kiti junginiai — Pabaigos žodis — Priedai — Summary — Zusammenfassung — Šaltiniai ir literatūra — Asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTAntrojo pasaulinio karo įvykiai vis tebetraukia istorikų dėmesį. Hitlerinės Vokietijos 1941-1944 metais valdyta Lietuva - šis laikotarpis sovietiniu lietuvių istorikų tyrinėtas labai vienpusiškai, o Lietuvos savivaldos ir konkrečiai - lietuvių policijos, jos rikiuotės padalinių veikla beveik nenagrinėta arba nusviesta tendencingai. Lietuvių policija 1941-1944 metais - tai tik nedidelė plačios temos - Lietuvos teisinis valdymas Antrojo pasaulinio karo metais - dalis. Knygos autoriaus siekis - bent šiek tiek „nuspalvinti" vieną iš Lietuvos istorijos „baltųjų dėmių". [Anotacija knygoje]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvių policija; Antrasis pasaulinis karas; Lietuvos Laikinoji vyriausybė; Vokiečių administracija; Žydų žudynės. Keywords: Lithuanian police; Second World War; Provisional Government of Lithuania; German administration; Massacre of the Jewish population.

ENUntil recently no serious historical monograph has been written about the activity of the Lithuanian police in the period of the Second World War. The present book „The Lithuanian Police in the period of 1941-1944" reveals a minor part of a major problem pertaining to the legal government in Lithuania during the Second World War. New facts introduced in this monograph significantly modify our understanding of the problems characteristic to the period in question of the Lithuanian history. The author sets himself with the task of at least partly unveiling certain „black holes" of the Lithuanian history. Referring to different Lithuanian and German documents (orders, regulations, reports, adverts, statistical data) currently available at the Lithuanian archives, as well as to the war time publications in various languages, to the Lithuanian and foreign scientific literature and memoirs, the author is seeking to reveal the mechanism of the German military and civil administrative regime in Lithuania. He is also attempting to depict the shades of the reestablishment of the Lithuanian self-government and police structures and to define its legal role in the system of German governing mechanism in the period of 1941-1944. For the first time in the Lithuanian historical research literature the author draws up the structural scheme of the Lithuanian internal affairs management which is grounded on the archive data. At the very beginning of the war between Germany and the Soviet Union, i.e. over the short span of June and July, 1941, on the initiative of the Lithuanian side the police force (only a year ago condemned to oblivion) was reestablished and shortly grew up to as many as 7000 staff.Around 40 percent of the former police returned back to their job. Even after the Germans terminated the functioning of the Provisional Government of Lithuania, police structures reestablished by that Government survived in many regions throughout the period of the German administration. The war time tasks of the Lithuanian police greatly differ from those of the peace time. It would not be right to allege that the Lithuanian police collaborated with the German administration. But it definitely helped the Lithuanian people to overcome hardships of the war time. The following Lithuanian police branches were reestablished during the war period: criminal, security, public, railway, traffic, prison guard, fire prevention (in some places - police in reserve). The police structure was also replenished with 25 new police battalions as well as with the Police Cavalry Squadron and the Police Representative Company. The two biggest cities Vilnius and Kaunas had a functioning Police School each. Several other squads were founded in addition. These were construction battalions, The Lithuanian Local Squad and The Squad of Homeland Guards. The above mentioned squads provided training for nearly 20.000 Lithuanians. The act of joining the police by the young Lithuanian men during the historically significant war period was legal, and it demonstrated their commitment and faithfulness to Homeland. The Lithuanian police units were set up not upon the order of Germans but on the initiative of the Lithuanians themselves strictly following the principle of voluntariness. Originally, the idea of establishing these units was to serve the needs of Lithuania. However, the German administration used them for the purposes of the Third Raich.The main functions of the Lithuanian police in the period of the 2nd World War were as follows: maintenance of public order; safeguarding of peace and security of the population; fighting Communism; fighting bandits, enemy secret services and sabotage - fighting criminality; fighting homebrew-makers; fighting profiteering; protection of stale and private property; sanitary inspection; mobilization of manpower; execution of state service orders; execution the German civil, military and police administration orders as well as execution of the Lithuanian Local administration orders. The theme which might seem the most sensitive and controversial in the present book is the role of the Lithuanian police in the context of ethnic minorities and first of all - the Jews. The author touches upon the problem of the possible involvement of the Lithuanian police in the massacre of the Jewish population. Facts revealed in the present book to a certain extent modify the concept of problems Lithuania was facing during the period in question. Hence, the author will go on with searching for the new facts and interpretations which could bring us closer to the historical truth. [From the publication]

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