LTLietuvos nacionalinis muziejus jau kelis dešimtmečius kryptingai pristato visuomenei Vilniaus miesto ikonografinę medžiagą ir jos tyrimus. Šia tema surengta ne viena paroda ir konferencija, paskelbti žymių XIX-XX amžiaus Vilniaus fotografų - Juozapo Čechavičiaus, Stanisławo Filiberto Fleury, Jano Bułhako - darbai. Papildant senosios miesto fotografijos publikacijas išleisti 1897-1915 metų Vilniaus vaizdų atvirukai, XVI a.-XX a. pradžios miesto planai, Jono Kazimiero Vilčinskio Vilniaus albumas. Rengdamas parodas ir leidinius muziejus aktyviai bendradarbiauja ne tik su kitomis Lietuvos ir užsienio atminties institucijomis, bet pasitelkiami ir reikšmingus kultūros paveldo rinkinius sukaupę privatūs kolekcininkai. Tęsiant Vilniaus miesto ikonografinės medžiagos sklaidą ir populiarinimą visuomenėje bei puoselėjant bendradarbiavimo su kolekcininkais tradiciją, šioje serijos "Muziejus ir kolekcininkas" knygoje pristatomas išskirtinis vilniečio kolekcininko Dainiaus Raupelio rinkinys - Pirmojo pasaulinio karo metais (1915-1918) Vilniuje vokiečių kareivių bei profesionalių fotografų užfiksuoti miesto ir kareiviško gyvenimo vaizdai. [Iš Įvado]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vilnius; Fotografija; Pirmasis pasaulinis karas; Dainiaus Raupelio kolekcija. Keywords: Vilnius; Photography; First world war; Collection of Dainius Raupelis.
ENFor several decades now, the National Museum of Lithuania has vigorously been presenting the iconographic material of the city of Vilnius and the related research to the public of the capital. To this end, numerous exhibitions and conferences have been arranged, the works of such famous 19th-20th century photographers of Vilnius as Józef Czechowicz, Stanisław Filibert Fleury, and Jan Bułhak have been displayed. The postcards depicting Vilnius in 1897-1915, the 16th-20th century city plans, and Album de Wilna by Jan Kazimierz Wilczyński have been published to supplement the publications of old photos of the city. In organising the exhibitions and preparing the publications, the museum has actively been cooperating not only with other Lithuanian and foreign memory institutions but also with private collectors owning significant collections of cultural heritage. To continue the dissemination and promotion of the iconographic material of the city of Vilnius in the public as well as fostering the tradition of cooperation with collectors, this book from the series Museum and Collector presents the exclusive collection of Dainius Raupelis, a collector from Vilnius, featuring images of German soldiers and their military life in Vilnius during the First World War (1915-1918) captured by professional photographers.The photos of Vilnius occupied by Germans in 1915-1918 were presented to the public in more detail in two exhibitions of the National Museum of Lithuania. The first -virtual - exhibition was organised in 2000 and displayed the photographs depicting the city and the life of soldiers in 1916-1917 captured by August Heer (1894-1969), an amateur photographer and the commander of the pilots of the 10th German army. This collection encompassing two hundred and fifty postcards and photos was donated to the museum by A. Heer'sson. In 2009, the museum also housed the exhibition The First World War and Lithuania, which displayed certain photographs from the earlier-mentioned Dainius Raupelis's collection along with various other historical documents and museum pieces revealing this topic. Over the past several decades the collector Dainius Raupelis has accumulated a large and unique collection of photos and postcards of Vilnius during the First World War, which started taking shape after the opportunity to travel freely to global fairs of collectors as well as to participate in European and world auctions had arisen. The photo albums compiled by the German soldiers who served in Vilnius during the Great War and taken to Germany after the war, separate sheets with photos glued on to them, and single photographs taken out from albums and acquired from descendants form the basis of this collection. [From the publication]