Działania wojenne gen. Żeligowskiego wobec Litwy. Próby rozstrzygnięcia konfliktu przez ligę narodów

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Działania wojenne gen. Żeligowskiego wobec Litwy. Próby rozstrzygnięcia konfliktu przez ligę narodów
Alternative Title:
General Żeligowski's warfare against Lithuania. Attempts to resolve the conflict by the League of Nations
In the Journal:
Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski [East European review]. 2021, 12, 2, p. 75-90
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuva; Lenkija; I pasaulinis karas; Lietuvos - Lenkijos konfliktas; Vilnius; Vilniaus okupacija; 1920 m. Suvalkų sutartis; Pilsudskio planas; Želigovskio kariniai veiksmai; Tautų lyga. Keywords: Lithuania; Poland; World War I; Lithuanian–Polish conflict; Vilnius; Occupation of Vilnius; Treaty of Suvalkai; Pilsudski plan; Želigovski's military actions; League of Nations.

ENThe situation after World War I was far from stabilizing, and the area of the Vilnius region became the subject of a conflict that for many years cast a shadow on Polish-Lithuanian relations. One should look at this conflict from the perspective of one hundred years, remembering that it turned into an antagonism so sharp and fierce that it even aroused the amazement of bystanders. This topic has been presented in many aspects: events in August and September 1920 preceding the occupation of Vilnius, the position of General Lucjan Żeligowski toward this situation, warfare (called a “rebellion”), the establishment of Central Lithuania and an attempt to sanction the situation in the League of Nations forum. This paper is about the military and political activities of the occupation of Vilnius and its neighbouring areas by Poland in October 1920. The originator of this undertaking was Józef Piłsudski. He admitted to it years later, exactly on the 24th and 25th of August 1923, during the lectures in the hall of the Grand Theatre in Vilnius. Polish-Lithuanian relations in the analysed years should be considered far from accepted international standards. Both Poles and Lithuanians can be held responsible in view of the above facts. Awareness of these events is extremely important for both nations for mutual understanding and agreement. [From the publication]

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