LTVirtualaus turizmo tematika tapo labai aktuali, nes dėl Covid’19 apsunkintas turistų keliavimas gyvai. Kaip ir daugelis verslų, turizmas taip pat persikėlė į internetinę erdvę. Straipsnio objektas – virtualaus turizmo vystymo ypatumai. Straipsnio tikslas – išnagrinėti virtualaus turizmo sampratą bei privalumus ir praktinius virtualaus turizmo vystymo ypatumus. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjama virtualaus turizmo samprata, išskiriami virtualaus turizmo privalumai, pateikiami praktiniai šio turizmo pritaikymo pavyzdžiai, analizuojami naudojimosi virtualiais turais internetiniuose tinklapiuose ypatumai 2020-10-01 – 2021-03-31 laikotarpiu. Analizė parodė, kad pasaulyje ir Lietuvoje yra daug praktinių virtualaus turizmo pavyzdžių. Virtualaus turizmo populiarumas ypač išaugo pastaraisiais metais, kai dėl Covid’19 pandemijos tapo sudėtingiau keliauti realiai. Analizuotu 2020-10-01–2021-03-31 laikotarpiu milijonai lankytojų iš viso pasaulio apsilankė virtualių turų srityje specializuotuose internetiniuose tinklapiuose bei populiariausių pasaulio muziejų tinklapiuose ir virtualiai keliavo bei apžiūrėjo ekspozicijas. Pastebėtina, kad labiausiai aktyvūs virtualaus turizmo naudotojai yra amerikiečiai. Visuose analizuotuose tinklapiuose lankomumas ženkliai sumažėjo 2020 m. gruodį o aktyviausias buvo 2021 m. sausio mėnesį. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Virtualus turizmas; Turizmo vystymas; Virtualūs turai. Keywords: Virtual tourism; Tourism development; Virtual tours.
ENVirtual tourism has become very relevant as Covid'19 has made it more difficult for tourists to travel alive. Like many businesses, tourism has also moved online. The subject of the article is the peculiarities of the development of virtual tourism. The purpose of this article is to examine the concept and advantages of virtual tourism and trends in the development of virtual tourism. This article examines the concept of virtual tourism, the specificities, the advantages of virtual tourism, the practical examples of the development of this tourism, and the specificities of the use of virtual tourism by visitors during the period 2020-10-01-2021-03-31. Scientific literature on virtual tourism was analysed in the preparation of the article. Practical examples of virtual tourism were searched on various websites by searching The use of virtual tours by visitors in the period 2020-10-01–2021-03-31 was analyzed. Two websites specializing in virtual tours - and, and four websites of the world's most popular museums,,,, were analyzed. Also the Lithuanian virtual travel website were analyzed. On the website were searched statistics for these five websites.The analysis showed that there are many practical examples of virtual tourism in the world and in Lithuania. The popularity of tourism has grown particularly in recent years, as the Covid’19 pandemic has made it more difficult to travel in real terms. During the analyzed period 2020-10-01–2021-03-31, millions of visitors from all over the world visited specialized virtual tours and the websites of the world's most popular museums and virtually traveled and visited the expositions. It is noteworthy that the most active users of virtual tourism are Americans. Traffic on all websites analyzed decreased significantly in 2020 in December and the most active was in 2021 in January. [From the publication]