LTStraipsnyje pristatoma JAV valstybės sekretoriaus John Foster Dulles ir Lietuvos konsulo Čikagoje dr. Petro Povilo Daužvardžio korespondencija (14-kos laiškų kopijos; 1952 m. gegužės 21 d. – lapkričio 28 d.) ir joje minimos aplinkybės. [Iš leidinio]
ENAn article by John Foster Dulles, “A Policy of Boldness. The Republicans’ foreign affairs expert shows that neither arms nor money alone – but only wise, patient planning – can win peace” was published in “Life” magazine on May 19, 1952. The Lithuanian Consul in Chicago Dr. Petras Povilas Daužvardis, wrote a letter to Dulles and expressed regret that the article did not mention Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and included incorrect illustrations (i.e. maps). The correspondence between Dulles and Daužvardis appears in copies of 14 letters (May 21– November 28, 1952; LCVA, F. 668, ap. 1, b. 66, l. 15–26). The letters contain a report by Dulles, published in New York (in June 1952) on occasion of the Freedom Day of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, and mentions Dulles’ lecture at the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy of Soviet Union (and V. Molotov). The final four letters are of congratulations (on the U.S. Republican Party’s victory in the presidential campaign and Dulles becoming U.S. Secretary of State) and replies with thanks for them. [From the publication]